
Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Nazca Tunnels and Super Suit-Technology

Emery Smith and David Wilcock

Emery Smith and David Wilcock
Cosmic Disclosure:
Nazca Tunnels and Super Suit-Technology

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. And we are here, once again, with our special guest insider, Emery Smith. And Emery, again, I want to thank you so much for finally stepping forward to do this.

Emery Smith: Well, thank you, Dave. It's been a long time, as you know, around 10 years for me to come out and talk about it.

And I think it's time for the people to know to add to what you have already been teaching.

But there's some gaps there, and I want to help you fill those if you have any questions with them.

David: We had talked about this briefing that I got from Pete Peterson that was very recent in this idea that he was following up on what he gave us on a previous episode of “Cosmic Disclosure”.

Emery: Okay.

David: We were talking about the idea that there are these vast carved tunnels underground – smooth, almost glass-like interior – like it's . . .

Emery: Obsidian. Yeah.

David: Right.

Emery: Melted rock. Yeah.

David: So you know about this?

Emery: Yes, I know.

David: And he said that, in some cases, they follow the Nazca Lines, and that there are these chambers off the sides that look like people were living there, but it appears that whoever was there just took all the stuff out when they left.

So could you just speak to that for a second – that part of it? The idea that somebody might have cleared everything out, and it might not have been us, per se, but maybe it was the beings themselves.

What do we know about why it was so abandoned looking?

Emery: Well, there's actually a lot of the craft down there, and they're connected to many other tunnels.

I don't know what he was debriefed on, but what I was debriefed on is, you know, there's over, you know, 200 to 300 craft down there, and many beings that are kind of petrified into the walls.

And it is like a lava tube-type of cave system, where it was intentionally melted, it looks like, and frozen in . . . like frozen . . .

David: Right.

Emery: . . . in some moment and some sort of suspended animation, I would say.

David: Well, that is interesting that you said 200 to 300 craft, because this briefing from Pete, he was speculating that there might be as many as possibly 500 down there.

Emery: Oh.

David: So that's a very similar number.

Emery: Oh, well, just in Mexico alone, in that area is about that, but those go way down south too.

David: Wow!

Emery: So this is a big collective group of scientists, which have now just had to turn it over to the U.S. government.

David: So another one of the things that he said in this briefing that I've never shared with anyone, and I'm just going to drop it on camera right now, he said that the latest intel that he's aware of is that there are evidence of five different epochs on Earth of extraterrestrial colonies that were fairly large and fairly considerable when they happened - that they're almost all underground.

And he said that of these five eras, some of them go back millions of years, and that they are very different: the type of technology, the type of society, the way that everything looks. It's all very different.

So I'm wondering if you ever heard about there being like five major, if you will, ages of extraterrestrial colonization of Earth?

Emery: I've heard up to five. I've kind of known of three, because of artifacts and beings, but that's just secondhand.

I mean, firsthand that I've seen the stuff and read the briefings, and I've seen some of the technology and some of the bodies, of course.

But, yeah, that is correct. There must have been at least five different civilizations that, you know . . . We're talking million year gaps though.

David: Right.

Emery: We're talking, you know, different times, you know. And I think maybe that might be correlated with the stuff in Egypt and Antarctica, and, you know, ancient Lemuria and Atlantis.

It's all kind of tied into different time zones, because the symbols and the thing they're finding, and all the equipment and technology, is completely different, like you said.

So there are a lot of scientists out there they are hiring now to put in like . . . to crack this code, like, what does this mean?

And some of the stuff they can't operate, of course, because they don't understand consciousness is just a technology, number one.

Number two, it's such a higher science that we're not even . . . we've never even learned it, and it's so beyond us that we wouldn't be able to understand it if I was an ET talking to you trying to explain it, because it would be beyond your, you know . . . It would be beyond your brain to assimilate that, knowing what you know now.

David: I was particularly fascinated in the previous episode when you talked about the idea that similar ruins as Antarctica were found in a cave in Costa Rica. And I want to throw something at you and see what you say.

One of the insiders told me about a complex that was found underground in Ecuador, and that Neil Armstrong and certain other NASA astronauts were given the ability to go in there.

It's VERY advanced. It's VERY amazing, and it's similar to Antarctica.

And I've never found another insider who had a corollary point of data for that particular thing.

I've tried Pete. I've tried Corey Goode. They didn't know about Ecuador.

Emery: I did tell you it was NEAR Costa Rica on the last episode.

David: Oh! Right.

Emery: So correct. Yes, I've been there.

David: You've been to the one in Ecuador?

Emery: Yes.

David: Really?

Emery: Yes.

David: Well, from what I heard, it's absolutely amazing.

Emery: Yes, it seems to have already started its own flora and fauna growing in this . . . There's a craft that crashed there a very long time ago, and it still had some sort of energy system on.

It must have carried extra bacteria or something because deep down in there it's actually kind of a very bio-luminescent type feeling, and its atmosphere is a little different than the atmosphere on top.

And it's NOT very deep under the ground, so you know.

David: Hm!

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Nazca Tunnels and Super Suit-Technology Click Here

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