
Thursday, February 01, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Secrets at the South Pole

David Wilcock and Emery Smith
Cosmic Disclosure:
Secrets at the South Pole

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here with our special guest, Emery Smith. Emery, thank you for being here. Emery Smith: Thanks, Dave. Appreciate it.

David: In our previous episode, we talked a little about how military bases are being built over extraterrestrial bases or crashed craft. And we had started to talk a little bit about what you may know regarding Antarctica.

So just to get more specific with you, according to Pete Peterson, operations in Antarctica have been ongoing for quite some time.

He was aware of it being back to at least the 1950s. And he said that it is a truly vast operation that's being conducted down there.

So could you speak a little bit more about what you know of what's going on in Antarctica?

Emery: I have recently met with four of the scientists that were part of that expedition, well, many expeditions in the past few years – in Costa Rica recently.

And what was interesting is there's also another craft that is part of some of the craft that's down THERE [Antarctica] in a cave down near Costa Rica, I'll say.

David: Oh, wow!

Emery: And so this group was asking me to come with them to Antarctica to check it out on another expedition, which I refrained to go because all newbies don't return.

David: Really?

Emery: So that's how dangerous it is.

David: Hm!

Emery: And any people that go down there to do documentaries or try to get with people to take them down there usually end up pretty much not coming back.

David: Wow!

Emery: So right now, if you don't have a specific, really good classification, you're not going down there.

So that does leave it open to satellites, however, and special drones that we have access to to find out more information.

Different organizations are funding this, private organizations, because the people want to know.

And so this information was given to me strictly from the four scientists that actually came from working there for two years, which they do have the access to get back down in there to do what they do, which is basically . . . Well, I was talking about mapping and measuring of the melting ice and how much time they have before other things are exposed, which lead to the exposure of the underground city that's there that has been there for a very long time, apparently.

David: Are you familiar with there being any plan to reveal ancient ruins under the ice in Antarctica, but not spacecraft at first or anything more modern, as part of a gradual disclosure agenda?

Emery: They already started that. So they're saying there's something down there, a big void, just like they did in Egypt now. There's a big void underneath the pyramids there.

We have a very, very large city that's there.

David: In Egypt?

Emery: In Egypt, under the pyramids, about a mile high dome.

David: Really?

Emery: Yes, it's very large.

So this is the same thing that's going on in Antarctica.

So they're slowly saying, “Wow, through satellite imagery with special ground-penetrating radar, certain scientists from . . .”, which have nothing to do with trying to find bases, by the way – more like trying to find oil reservoirs and gold – have stumbled upon these giant voids. So you're going to start hearing about this.

These voids are the ancient cities. You know, these are the ones that have been here for a very long time. This is right up your alley with all the stuff that you talk about.

And there has been great camera footage taken from an archaeologist that we know. And we have seen this footage. And it is compelling because the camera they snake down under the pyramid to see this, when it first was discovered, which I cannot disclose, was just fascinating.

David: Hm!

Emery: So the same thing is going on in Antarctica now is: how are we going to disclose this and clean up all the artifacts down there, which will really mess up the story of how we got here . . .

David: Right.

Emery: . . . kind of like Mars and the Moon and everything else. And it's right here on this planet.

David: All of a sudden in the media, we hear this report that neutrinos were used to discover a very large new chamber in the Great Pyramid above the Grand Gallery, which is the big hallway with the tall . . .

Emery: That's right.

David: And they're kind of saying it might be on a diagonal with the Grand Gallery, . . .

Emery: Correct.

David: . . . but it's a little higher.

Emery: Right.

David: And that's a very large, previously undisclosed space.

Emery: I've heard about that.

David: Now, with the technology you're reporting, it would appear that they would have known about this for a long time.

Emery: Oh, they've known about it for a very long time.

David: Have people been into that room that you know of?

Emery: Yes.

David: Really?

Emery: Yeah. And that's what the Alliance needs to decide is: what do we release and how slow do we release it? So there's a gradual scientific, huge, worldwide, scientific investigation of these tablets or this or that or whatnot, because it doesn't match what's going on or what we've been taught here.

And that's going to be the hard thing for people to grasp because of the belief systems that we all have.

David: Do you think that there might be a way . . .I mean, they don't want to tear up the pyramid, right? They're very concerned about antiquities preservation. But now we're talking about a massive, massive chamber inside the pyramid openly discussed in mainstream media.

Emery: Right.

David: So is there a way into that room already? Do we know what's in that room?

Emery: I'm 80% sure they've already been in that room from the bottom up. There are tunnels that they have already dug under into this city, so it's already been . . .

David: Wow!

Emery: They're learning what happened. You know, they're trying to learn the texts, learn all the symbols, and what's it all mean?

And so it's a huge undertaking on the private side of whoever is running that contract job. I can tell you that much.

David: Just for the sake of people's curiosity, what might be some of the most surprising things that we would learn?

Like, what would we actually see if we ever get to see the footage of this room? What would be the most surprising thing we would discover?

Emery: Well, you're going to discover a lot of literature and tablets, and also artifacts that are not from on Earth – not of Earth-origin technology – which most of it has been removed.

David: Wow!

Emery: Whether they want to say it was found with the site or not, it will be a spectable because it has to do with someone already being there trying to do the same thing we were doing about a higher, advanced civilization, and they left some things behind.

So there's special scientists in the world who grab these devices, and they can figure out what the devices were used for. That's what their job is to do.

And they're really interesting people, and they're responsible. They're the unseen heroes you hear about.

But a lot of the information that they get is usually used to give to these private corporations to be used for bad because it's so amazing. Why give it to us to help us cure cancer or be able to talk to anyone in the universe?

David: I want to bring something up with you that I think is directly relevant, and that is an insider that Pete Peterson has hoped to get me in touch with – it hasn't actually happened yet – but this person was involved in the excavation of a strange sort of metallic alloy sarcophagus from this same Giza Plateau area. And I believe he said it was underground.

And they removed the sarcophagus, and they had it . . . They were trying to figure out how to get it open, and they couldn't open it with tools.

And apparently on the ship – they were transporting it on a U.S. military ship of some kind – someone telepathically interfaced with this sarcophagus, and they could read the inscriptions. Even though originally it was a different language, they could read the language.

And then they had to sing a certain note or phrase. I can't remember which it was . . .

Emery: A harmonic, yeah.

David: And you put your hands out like this and it opened.

And then what they found inside were these various kind of hand-held tools. And some of the tools, apparently, would give you holographic reconstructions of historical events that happened during the time of the people that had this thing.

Emery: Sure. Oh, yes.

David: And that sarcophagus alone is just of inestimable value. Have you ever heard any stories like that?

Emery: Yes, I have heard of very similar stories of these sarcophagi and coffins and tubes that are made of some unknown metal but they're seamless.

David: Wow!

Emery: And they can only be opened, as far as I knew, by lineage, actually, and harmonic. So that's interesting you said that, because it actually helps me understand some things now put together that I've been debriefed on.

And I've seen some of these vats, actually.

David: What about this idea of an object that you might be able to hold in your hand, and then you can kind of talk to it with your mind . . .

Emery: Yes.

David: . . . and it will show you, like, a library?

Emery: Absolutely. It's a consciousness-assisted technology that you have to hold and use your consciousness. You know, you have to think about it, and then whatever, however it operates – however, the operator knows how to operate it.

Or usually, it just automatically will turn on. You know, it's like having an iPhone without a passcode on it. Automatically anyone can use it.

But some of these devices, these consciousness-assisted technologies, are all lineage-related or frequency-related, so that you have to be of the right ancient lineage to hold that one little frequency for this thing to work.

David: A genetic marker in your DNA, do you think?

Emery: Yes. Yes.

David: Wow! Really?

Emery: Yeah.

David: When we had Pete Peterson here last time, he gave us some extremely fascinating information about very, very long – many, many miles long – perfectly carved tunnels in South America, like, underneath the Nazca Lines.

And he talked about what appeared to have been a vast extraterrestrial city down there. And, of course, with our show on Gaia, “Unearthing Nazca”, Pete is claiming that the bodies we had on that show were from this city.

So I'm curious if you've heard about those tunnels in Meso- and South America, and any information you might have on that.

Emery: Yes. My scientist sources also have invited me down there to analyze the tunnels, which have a lot of craft in them, which have . . . The tunnels actually have beings frozen in time sticking out of the walls of these things.

David: Have you ever heard the term “stasis beings”?

Emery: Yes. I mean, I don't personally believe these beings that come from Gaia are from that site.

David: Okay.

Emery: But that's my own opinion. And I have not been asked to analyze these beings yet.

David: Okay. So you're saying that there are . . . This is totally amazing, Emery. I'm just going to be honest with you. And the reason why is that I got another briefing from Pete. I haven't said a word about it to anyone.

I'm going to do it for the first time right now, okay?

And the briefing was that, because Gaia did “Unearthing Nazca”, the show, that our Alliance people have gotten a lot more interested in that area again, and that apparently the Mexican government . . . We have the Peruvian government . . . We have different governments in Meso- and South America, apparently involved in this.

And apparently, very recently, we took custody of these five different craft, and he said that they are so advanced that we've got whole teams of people . . . He estimated 2,000~3,000 people are working on these craft now. But it's so advanced we have no idea how to get into it or what the heck is going on.

So I'm curious about your thoughts on that.

Emery: Yeah, I agree with that. But when you say “we”, who are you referring to who took over the five craft?

David: I guess it would be . . .

Emery: The Alliance or . . .

David: DIA military-industrial complex, what we would call MIC Secret Space Program folk.

Emery: Okay. That I can confirm 100%. They are now in control of all the tunnels and all the ships and all the bodies and all the technology, . .

David: Really?

Emery: . . . which has recently just happened.

David: Really?

Emery: Yes. And it's now very difficult to get in there, but I'm still deciding whether to go or not because it's just a matter of if they invite me again to go down there and decipher some of the ships and craft and some of the extraterrestrials that they found, and of course, the technology.

But yes, there is a large amount of these beings and the craft down there.

David: Can you confirm anything about Pete's testimony regarding that the craft are so advanced that we have no idea what to do with them yet?

Emery: Yes, I can absolutely concur with that, because the group would never have called me to go down there and check this out, number one, because if they knew how to do it and they're scientists and know how to do it, they wouldn't be calling me to ask me to come on board clandestinely, which I can talk about freely. But that's exactly what happened.

David: Wow!

Emery: I mean, I haven't seen his show, by the way, so I didn't know any of this.

David: Okay. So let's talk a little bit about what we did on “Unearthing Nazca”, because I didn't even know you knew anything about this. It's really amazing.

We've had X-rays taken of these bodies, and it does not in any way even possibly appear to be a hoax.

The genetic testing shows that it's over 1,500 years old or more in some cases. It appears to be genuine genetic tissue that's been preserved in diatomaceous earth.

They have three fingers and three toes instead of five, like we do. It definitely looks like this is an authentic specimen of some kind.

So I'm curious about your thoughts. Have you seen “Unearthing Nazca”?

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Secrets at the South Pole Click Here

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