
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Bioship

David Wilcock and Emery Smith
Cosmic Disclosure: Bioship

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, here with Emery. And in this episode, we're going to talk about organic craft.

Emery, welcome back to the show.

Emery Smith: Thanks, Dave. Thanks for having me.

David: So in order to open up this discussion, let's go back to your time at Sandia because we really have barely scratched the surface of that yet.

Obviously, we're going to get into this organic craft thing, but before we do, you had talked about the fact that, in the beginning, you were getting these partial bodies.

After you got through the salmon fillet phase, and then you got through the arms and legs type of phase, you got partial bodies.

Emery: Correct.

David: So the first partial body that you told us about was, again, what?

Emery: The crossbreed tiger-type human hybrid.

David: Okay.

Emery: Yeah. That was the one . . . It's very disfigured and dysmorphed.

And then the next one that followed that was the more of the smooth skin with the leopard skin, but with iridescent – like the peacock feather colors – skin.

David: Hm.

Emery: And that face was a little bit mutilated, so I couldn't see the actual . . . but it was a very normal-sized skull, just like a human. The body was very thin and lanky.

And these bodies is what brought me to see craft, because later on, some of the tissue samples I was taking, they asked me to come take samples from a completely different part of the base, or this underground facility, that I would have to travel to, and also escort those samples back to my base, which was unusual for me to be a carrier, but it was all within the underground.

David: So if I'm getting this correctly then, what you're saying is, that in certain cases, you were working on a body, or a partial body, . . .

Emery: Right.

David: . . . but then they had reason to believe that there might be some biological similarity between the body and the actual craft that the body was in.

Emery: Exactly.

David: Wow!

Emery: Exactly. And so I would actually . . . They would come on the intercom and actually say, “All right. That's enough.”

Because I'm doing samples the whole time and giving them . . . As soon as I get a sample, I put it through the window. So they're already testing, in the back, the genetics of this thing.

So I just remember them coming on and saying, “Okay, That's enough, Smith. We need you to go do a run.” And I didn't even know what that meant, because I'd never done a run.

David: Do you think that the people that are on the other side of the glass, that you pass these samples into, are more specialized and skilled workers than you?

Emery: Oh, absolutely.

David: Okay.

Emery: I mean, I'm just a technician. These, probably, are the scientists and geneticists, you know, that taught me later on all about that kind of thing.

These people are probably those people grabbing it, running it through some advanced fast scanner of some sort. because they were always . . . [They would] immediately come back, within minutes of me giving a sample, as I'm taking another sample and say, “Stop that. Go up and grab something from the inner ear,” you know, or something like that.

David: Oh!

Emery: So they were immediately, probably, another team behind these windows that are trying to find something out specific from this species.

David: Did you ever get to meet any of them? Or did you recognize any voices as being common voices?

Emery: Yes, I did later on, but I was not really allowed to hang out with them or talk to them.

David: Right.

Emery: But I did hear . . . You know, I see people in the locker room. I see people in the cafeteria. I see people on the outside, but not until way later on down the road did I actually get to meet people that were actually those people.

David: Interesting. So do you think, in some cases, that the tissue was able to be reproduced, like to be grown?

Emery: Yes. Yes, for sure. That's definitely what they were doing. They were trying to reproduce these cells.

David: Okay. So then, you said that at certain points they might ask you to take tissue from the inner ear and stop what you were doing.

Do you think they have a database of the tissue samples, and they're comparing . . . when they make tests, they're comparing it to other parts of . . .

Emery: YES! Yes. Like it depends . . . They're not only taking the tissue to reproduce. They're studying the tissue. They're studying the eardrum. They're studying the phrenic nerve. They're studying the heart muscle of this being. They're studying all sorts of different parts of this body for some reason, for their own . . . Who knows.

So it's not just one thing. They're doing many different things with the body for their own reasons.

David: Yeah.

Emery: Maybe they just need that optical nerve because they want to know how they see. Maybe they need that tendon to see what those tenocytes are made out of, because it replicates so quickly in a Petri dish – one of the hardest cells to replicate.

So I think they're just studying this like we are. I think some of it sometimes may be used for evil, and I think some of it is just trying to learn and find out, what are these beings, and where they come from, and what are they made up of, and so forth.

David: All right. I want to run something else by you since you brought this up. I think it's a fascinating thing to discuss.

Well before I ever met Corey Goode, or . . . I knew of him, but we hadn't gotten into this stuff till 2014, 2015.

I had been speaking to this insider, Jacob. And he told me, at some length, that the Draco Reptilian beings had essentially been all over our galaxy looking for various genetic materials.

And then they had taken the very best of the things that they found and had somehow spliced it in with themselves and had created a sort of super being out of themselves.

Do you think it's possible that we could be on a similar trajectory right now by all this genetic research that you're talking about?

Emery: Yes. I agree with that tremendously, just because of all the different requests and the different briefings I've been involved with in this MILAB.

And not to say it was . . . Like I always tell you, not to say that it was owned by Sandia or Los Alamos. Those are just names for cover-ups of corporations.

David: Yeah.

Emery: People need to know that as well.

David: Right.

Emery: It's just that's where I was. That's the area I was.

David: Right.

Emery: Now, getting back to your question. Yes, I believe they were trying to get this DNA and somehow mix it with human DNA, and create, or inject, some inoculation into a human being to see if they could mutate and have different factors and different abilities that beings have.

David: Well, like eagles . . . Apparently, an eagle could see a dime from the top of the Empire State Building on the sidewalk.

Emery: Exactly. Right.

David: So if we had THAT kind of vision, that would be exciting.

Emery: Yes, it would. But then I would have to clean my house extra, extra, extra hard.

David: Ha, ha, ha.

Emery: Because I don't like dust.

David: Okay, so at one point, you – or maybe more than once, but at least once – you were called in to a different location . . .

Emery: Yes. Right.

David: . . . because of this craft being organic, they thought.

Emery: Yes.

David: So let's talk about that now.

Emery: Well, that's when I said they were like, “Stop what you're doing.”

No one's ever said, “Stop what you're doing and go change out” or whatever. And “change out” just means get out of the spacesuit.

So that's what I did.

And they were right there, and they were like, “We want you to go here and take the tube, and you're going to be dropped off here, and so-and-so will be there to escort you to this area.

And that was the longest ride I've ever been on a maglev tube.

David: Like a sub shuttle?

Emery: Yeah, it was a sub shuttle capsule. It was a capsule, yeah.

Because you can't ask anything. You understand, you cannot, you know . . . They did tell me that this being came from this craft. They did tell me that.

David: Hm.

Emery: And that I was supposed to take these samples from this part of the craft – I had my folder with me – and was escorted to this – you know, this was one of the first times I rode this thing – and got there.

These two guys came out. One was a security guard, and one was a scientist. And there was no other security. Like no . . . You didn't even have to pass through anything.

So it must have been part already . . . Once you get under, then you can go pretty much anywhere.

David: Can you describe what the room looked like once you got out of the capsule?

Emery: Yeah, sure. It looked just like a very clean, New York subway station.

David: Oh, wow!

Emery: Yeah.

David: Okay.

Emery: But it was very . . . another all white area, very clean, very silent. You could hear a pin drop.

David: Did you have some sort of container with you for samples?

Emery: No, nothing. I had the folder.

David: But what do you do with the sample?

Emery: Well, they have everything there.

David: Oh!

Emery: Just like this operating room I was in . . . THIS room . . . this thing is in a huge operating room . . .

David: Right.

Emery: . . . you know, this craft.

David: Oh, wow!

Emery: Yes.

David: So you walked into some sort of room where the craft was?

Emery: Well, first I had to go change. They made me change again into another . . . very similar like a locker room, but I didn't see any colors on the floors like in the hallways I told you about, the color codes.

David: Ah, right.

Emery: And there was always someone with me. They wouldn't let me be alone.

So I walked for at least 10 minutes down a very long, white hallway. There were many doors on the sides of the hallway, like every 100 feet.

And the door opened, and there I was in this giant – what I would call – a sterile hanger.

David: Wow!

Emery: A sterile hanger is what I'll call it.

And there was this craft there, and there were many people there, a lot of people running around. They were all, of course, in clean scrubs, white . . . had the white jackets.

David: Now, you would assume a couple of things, okay? You would assume this is an underground base.

Emery: Absolutely. Yeah.

David: That it's on Earth most likely. Or we don't really know that, right, because the tube could have taken you to another planet, potentially.

But they didn't tell you one way or the other, I assume.

Emery: [Emery shakes his head “no”.]

David: And that those other doors would have other craft of some kind in them as well.

Emery: Oh, for sure.

David: And they made sure that you only went to the one door, so you couldn't possibly have gone and tried to open another door.

Emery: There's no way. They had biometric . . . They had so many ways . . . Just to get in that door, he did the same thing we would do at the top of the facial recognition and the hand print.

David: Wow!

Emery: Yeah. They're getting a little bit more different now. Now, they're doing the DNA thing. But anyway, we'll get into that in another . . .

David: So what do you see? What does this thing look like when you walk into the room?

Emery: It's hard to explain, but if you ever ate ice cream, . . .

David: Okay. Ha, ha.

Emery: Like if you had an ice cream scooper, and you make those round scoops. And if you ever made jello in one of those containers where it goes like this, and then like this, and then like this. [Emery uses his hand to show a three tiered jello dish.]

David: Oh.

Emery: Okay?

David: Yeah.

Emery: Do you understand? I don't know what shape to call that.

David: It was a jello tree.

Emery: It was like a jello tree. Ha, ha. It was.

And . . . It was like this. [Again, Emery, repeats the same hand motions.]

And it was the most beautiful . . . I don't like the color red, but it was the most beautiful color red I've ever seen.

David: Hm. Glossy?

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Bioship Click Here

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