
Saturday, March 24, 2018

James Gilliland: Social Engineering, Opposites, The Division Game and The Star Nations Are Returning

Social Engineering, Opposites, The Division Game and The Star Nations Are Returning

by James Gilliland

March 20, 2018

I want to begin with the basics. We can apply these basics to everything to get back on track as to what is real,
what is true and who is who in this crazy mixed up world..

The first question is:

“Are you creating Heaven on Earth?”

I want to begin with the basics. We can apply these basics to everything to get back on track as to what is real, what is true and who is who in this crazy mixed up world. The first question is, “Are you creating Heaven on Earth?” The second question is, “Are you operating under Universal Law?” There also is a Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone it isn’t good.”

Universal Law in its simplest form is: Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. A document that closely resembles Universal Law is your Constitution and Bill of Rights. These are all tools for discernment. Agencies, organizations and people that trespass on these divine rights are what some would call the enemy, not in service to Humanity and the Earth. The most important - this is what is true, what is fair.

This should be the biggest consideration: What form of media do you
tune into, have they been compromised?

The next thing to consider is where is your information coming from upon which you base your decisions. This should be the biggest consideration. What form of media do you tune into, have they been compromised? Have they been accurate? Where do they get their information from? Are they just reading a screen? Did they do any objective investigation? What is the be lie f of your peers and could they have been manipulated, socially engineered.

I often ask people when they make statements, do you have personal experience, firsthand knowledge, what is the source of your information? In almost every case they repeat something they heard on one of the main stream media outlets. When I tell them the main stream news in most cases are part of a project called Mockingbird, mouth pieces for the Deep State, CIA and other agencies.

Despite overwhelming evidence they pull up the conspiracy label. Then I tell them the conspiracy label was also created by the same group to discredit whistle blowers, researchers and anyone who does not follow the controlled narrative. Read the NASA paper. The ultimate red pill.

If they [Media] were to release the truth, the undeniable evidence on the behavior of the politicians, social icons etc. the suicide rate would go through the roof followed by riots.

Fox News is the only larger news agency that is covering a lot of the corruption but they know they cannot touch upon some subjects such as Satanic Worship, Spirit Cooking, Child Sacrificing, Drug and Child Trafficking, Pedophilia, Sexual Predation, Genocidal Programs and other decadent behavior. The depth and magnitude of this is too much for people to handle. If they were to release the truth, the undeniable evidence on the behavior of the politicians, social icons etc. the suicide rate would go through the roof followed by riots. Those totally brainwashed against those who are awake.

The hate left would be triggered by the social engineers resulting in total chaos. The moral right would show little or no tolerance once aware of how dark and decadent the behavior of their leadership.

Who are the social engineers?.

Who are the social engineers? Who are the ones controlling the narrative, creating the separation games, dividing genders, cultures, religions, and organizations against each other? The answer is a well-known one. Follow the money, do the research on those funding the politicians, agencies and organizations creating separation, division and social unrest. The ones screaming accusations without merit the loudest of which are deeply embedded in the swamp.

Before you form an opinion, research the source of the information: Do they have an agenda? Do they have a history of deception? Are they pitting genders, races, cultures and religions against each other? Most important where does their funding come from?


What if it was a possibility that almost all the information channels you depend on were corrupt?

What if there was an extremely well-funded network in place designed to control the masses?

What if this has been going on for hundreds of years becoming more fine-tuned, more exact to a level beyond imagination where they could play society like a fiddle?

What would happen if you found out this was being done to you on a grand scale invading your mind to the point that you don’t know who you are anymore?

This latest guilt trip against white males is another attempt at separation and emasculation, which has been going on for quite some time.

Ever heard of soy boys? Estrogen mimickers? Destruction of the family unit? We are all a product of social engineering to one degree or another, relying on a talking head in a box to tell you what to be lie ve. Most have lost all critical thinking. You’re a part of the herd who are also programmed and socially engineered trained to react in ways unloving to anyone who is not part of the herd consciousness.

▪ What if things were the opposite of what you were told; the information on    which you based your opinion was wrong?
▪ What if what you were taught in school was wrong; your history,    archeology, religions, even the sciences are regulated.

What would be the repercussions?

This has been the demise of many masters, critical thinkers, awakened ones who rose above the herd.

What if things were the opposite of what you were told; the information on which you based your opinion was wrong?

Before we go further I want to give you two examples. One is Antifa. They are supposedly antifascist, anti-Nazi, yet are funded by an admitted known NAZI, “Soros”, act like fascists, even fly the old Nazi flag. Now if this is not a prime example of hypocrisy, social engineering and opposites I don’t know what is.

Some of these people practice what they believe is justifiable violence unaware they are being used by the very people they hate. What was interesting is the protests against Soros for stiffing them, not paying them after successful riots.

The same character funds Black Lives Matter. Does this mean white lives, red lives, yellow lives, brown lives, police lives don’t matter? Yes, there are serious problems to address- yet let’s do it as a unified community. By the way, police officers were killed due to false news stories, the reporters of which should be held accountable.


How about open borders another one of Soros’ organizations. What happens when you bring together cultures that clash, have completely opposite laws, customs and religions? You create total chaos, a huge economic burden on the infiltrated country, often resulting in social and economic collapse. Yet when you look at the financial contributions of those making these policies and follow the money it goes back to the same people.

The people who - after the collapse - take over the resources, the financial system enslaving the people under a massive debt buying up everything for a penny on the dollar. Does open borders mean gangs and drugs get a free pass? Are they protected in Sanctuary Cities?

If you knew how long consciousness has been manipulated on the planet most would be shocked. How about 450,000 years, could you handle that?

The division the elite created through social engineering created the demise of many a country and culture. Pay attention to Germany and Sweden, especially the women who have been beaten and raped. Do not fool yourselves into thinking America is not number 1 on the target list.

How do you know if you are not doing their bidding? They work with division and opposites. They misrepresent the facts and twist stories pulling on the heart strings of America to fit their agendas.

How do you know if you have been socially engineered, lied too and are on the wrong side of the fence?

Where did your be lie fs come from? Could the bad guys be the good guys, the good guys be the bad guys?

If you knew how long consciousness has been manipulated on the planet most would be shocked. How about 450,000 years, could you handle that?

Could the bearded Gods of old have been a part of this? What religion does not have an image of a bearded God?

What if the consciousness grid was draconian and you were under draconian law?

What if the social engineers were attacking anyone who challenges the corruption, the status quo with their massive network?

What if most of the agencies were infiltrated, corrupted have self-serving agendas? Is this a conspiracy or a fact?

What if the conspiracies turn out to be the truth and the so-called facts controlled by the corrupted agencies, educational systems and mainstream news turn out to be lies, deceptions with agendas?

If you are looking for a conspiracy look no further.

The Star Nations are returning.

They are here to liberate the Earth. They are here to tear down the draconian grid, bring out the real history of man, the true nature of God and dismantle the present system of enslavement bringing the power back to the people. They are here to drain the interdimensional swamp. “Now is the light going on?".

You have been controlled, manipulated, deceived, and preyed upon for thousands of years. Now the swamp has become so deceptive, decadent and all pervading intervention is necessary. So, are you defending and supporting the swamp, trying to maintain the draconian grid due to extreme social programming. Do you use the excuse it’s my job, everyone is doing it. Are you afraid to rock the boat, lose a few friends and family? Are you in ignorance of the Satanic, Spirit Cooking, Child Sacrificing, Pedophile network? Do you know who is involved in it, does it include the deep state, your past even some of your present leadership? Who is controlling your main stream media? Have you taken the red pill, done the research, gone down that rabbit hole? Who is the swamp and who is draining it?

I have been accused of being Right Winged although I have always said I am an observer. An educated one. I look for solutions. I know the ancient history of Earth, who is who, not just on this dimension but others as well. I know the origin of the draconian grid, draconian law, and who is in service to Humanity and the Earth.

I know who in their heart of hearts - though not infallible or perfect - are on the right side of the fence and who is in alignment with Universal Law and the liberation of Humanity and the Earth. I also know the forces behind them - some not of this time, but once of this world.

I also know a major correction is underway.

If you want to simplify this ask yourselves who has a history of lying? Who wants to take away your rights? The right to privacy, freedom of speech, religious freedom, the right to protect yourselves against enemies foreign and, “domestic?” Why are these rights a threat to them and their ultimate goals? Who wants to do away with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights divinely inspired documents? Who is behind the social engineering? Who are the Deep State, what are their tools, to whom do they owe their allegiance?

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole ask the taboo question: who is involved in the Satanic, Spirit Cooking, Pedophile network? The answer to that is unimaginable, the dark network is so entangled, most can’t handle it. That is why divine intervention is necessary, those draining the swamp are the ground crew. It’s time to break the spell, drop the social programming and get behind them.

Here are some more question to contemplate.

▪ Why do ufos follow Air Force One?
▪ Why did Trump meet with the Saudis, the Russians, the Chinese, the    Vietnamese? Was a deal brokered with North and South Korea, a    reunification?
▪ Are all the leaders having contact with extremely advanced off world    visitors?
▪ Are they in agreement when it comes to ending the Cabal, draining the    Global Swamp?
▪ Why was an executive order declaring a state of emergency signed,    allowing the assets of perpetrators of harm to be confiscated?
▪ Does the military, mainly the marines, become the highest court in the    land?
▪ Why are there thousands of indictments, what are the tribunal courts?
▪ What are the forces seen and unseen behind the swamp?
▪ Who do they worship?

I would strongly suggest reading this newsletter again, social programming will not allow you to get it the first time.

There will be triggers that will cause you to shut down when it gets too close to home or you have to release an old be lie f. Contemplate the questions. The answers are in the questions.

These are the times the prophecies have mentioned. It’s going to be a wild ride. Universal Law is coming. Buckle up.

Be Well, Be at Peace, Do the Healing Process,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.

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