
Thursday, April 05, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Briefings with a new Alliance

David Wilcock and Corey Goode
Cosmic Disclosure:
Briefings with a new Alliance

David Wilcock: Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with Corey Goode. And in this episode, we're going to discuss the fascinating return of the Secret Space Program Alliance [SSP Alliance].

Corey, welcome back.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: So let's take it forward then from what you had here in our previous episode. What is the next noteworthy thing that happens to you after this awesome series of visitations that you experienced?

Corey: Typically, after I have an experience like that, I spend days just sitting and staring at the wall trying to process it all.

I was kind of going through that process when I was informed that I was going to have a meeting with Gonzales and the SSP Alliance on the LOC [Lunar Operation Command].

David: Oh!

Corey: And, if you remember, they had been keeping their head pretty low for a while, and they had gone through the trouble to make me feel responsible for the near collapse of the SSP Alliance.

If you remember, Sigmund was picking me up and chemically interrogating me to find out what was going on because he was a part of the MIC Secret Space Program [ Military-Industrial Complex SSP] . . .

David: Right.

Corey: . . . and didn't believe any of this other stuff was going on. He just didn't believe it.

David: Yeah.

Corey: And then once he did his investigation, he found out that it WAS real, and he started causing problems, and then he just disappeared off the face of the Earth.

David: So how did it feel when you heard that the SSP Alliance is reforming?

Corey: I was a bit nervous. I didn't know what to expect.

I knew that they were going to want a full briefing of all the different things I'd encountered.

David: Right.

Corey: So I was really still processing those. I wasn't really in a place to give a briefing, but I was going to have to, anyway.

David: So this is right around the time that you had, kind of, moved in to your new place and had been able to settle down.

Was there any relationship between that move and some of the things that started to happen to you at this point?

Corey: Well, very quickly after I moved in, in October, I took my son around and did some “trick or treating” [Halloween evening] to kind of gather a little intel on neighbors.

And the people directly across the street from me, the man and the woman, both, were retired CIA. They were geologists that did some sort of satellite interpretation, you know, for the CIA.

David: Retired CIA.

Corey: Yeah.

David: Right across the street!

Corey: Right. And then . . .

David: That's petty crazy.

Corey: . . . he started telling me, “Yeah, the lady next to you retired from NOAA . . .

David: Right.

Corey: . . . the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.”

David: Yeah.

Corey: “The person over there is retired military. This whole area . . . there are a lot of retired Air Force and intelligence assets.”

And that freaked me out. And I brought that up to Gonzales the next time.

And he told me that indeed that was true, and that all around my neighborhood, they had installed all types of very sensitive detection devices that would detect any type of electrical change in the atmosphere – any types of changes.

David: Well, who is “they”?

Corey: Military intelligence. They were trying to figure out what was going on with me.

David: Okay. So does that include trying to catch something happening to you like the Blue Sphere picking you up [Corey nods his head “yes”.], or the Darts landing [Darts are small craft used by the SSP Alliance]?

Corey: Or me being teleported out. When that occurs, there's some sort of weird energetic signature that they are able to track with these devices.

Also, if any craft were to come and pick me up, they would be able to gather telemetry on the craft.

David: Well, some of the things that you and I have discussed privately have made me pretty compelled in thinking that the Earth Alliance is now taking you a lot more seriously than they were.

Corey: Yes.

David: And would you agree with that?

Corey: A lot more seriously, but they're very skeptical of anything involved with the Secret Space Program.

David: Do you think, though, that they are starting to feel more compelled based on certain things that they've acquired?

Corey: Yes. And they were also trying to figure out how a guy who was talking about 8'-tall blue bird aliens was also coming out with all of this very accurate intel about what was going on in the MIC Secret Space Program.

David: Do you think, or do you know, if those devices that they've installed have actually hit pay dirt and gotten them something that they find very amazing?

Corey: I don't know, because I was told the day of this meeting I needed to leave my home and drive to a local school and be prepared to be picked up in a football field.

David: Wow!

Corey: And that's exactly what happened. It was around 2:00 am. in the morning. I got dressed, got in my car and left.

And I parked and waited for about 20 minutes beside this school, and sure enough, I saw . . . off in the distance, I saw a flash. And the it flashed again and it stayed on. It was like a white orb up in the sky.

And it was descending very rapidly and then started moving towards me and getting a little bit bigger.

And then as it got probably a quarter mile away, it was like the light popped like a bubble. If you blow a bubble and pop it.

David: Oh, that must have been so cool.

Corey: Yeah, it was very cool. It popped and there was a Dart craft . . .

David: Really!

Corey: . . . that I had ridden in before.

David: About the size of a regular car like you would see?

Corey: Yes. About the size of a . . . a little bit bigger than an SUV.

David: Right. Wow!

Corey: It came and it landed. I had quite a distance to hoof. It wasn't real close to my car. But I'm looking all around, looking for any types of cars or aircraft lying around and it was just dead still.

I sit in and they tell me, “Sit back; buckle up. We're headed to the LOC”.

We lift off, and I see the Moon as we're headed towards it. And the Moon looks about like this big [Corey makes a circle shape with his fingers of both hands touching each other.], and then all of a sudden – Whew!

I mean, it grew so quickly, so fast, that it looked like we were going to smash into it.

David: Did you have a feeling of motion?

Corey: Kind of a feeling of motion. I mean, you see the Moon and all of a sudden, the Moon looks like it grows just super fast. “Vrooooo!” And then, all of a sudden, you're like . . . you can't see the circumference of the Moon anymore. You're so close.

They flew back around the back side of the Moon.

And we did two or three flyovers of the crater that the LOC is in, except we couldn't see it.

They had the masking technology activated.

David: Oh, wow!

Corey: So it just looked like a crater. I mean, you couldn't even see the secondary crater, the hole in the bottom of the crater. It was all covered up.

David: Was there anything kind of glitchy about it, or did it look really clean?

Corey: It looked really clean.

David: Wow!

Corey: I was told that it had kind of a mirage effect, but it looked pretty clean to me.

David: Wow!

Corey: And so they were communicating, getting permission to land, and then the masking was turned off and I could see the base.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Briefings with a new Alliance
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