
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: New Discoveries of the Ancient Builder Race

David Wilcock and Corey Goode
Cosmic Disclosure:
New Discoveries of the Ancient Builder Race

David Wilcock: Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I am here with Corey Goode for his fascinating cosmic updates. And in this episode, we're going to cover the return of the Ancient Builder Race.

Corey, welcome back.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: So we are in the middle of a very important scene here with a cliffhanger. You were told you were going to get a tour of the LOC [Lunar Operation Command], and you mentioned for the first time on this show that there are actually three of them.

So could you tell us a little bit more about what was that tour going to be, and why is it relevant?

Corey: I was told that I was going to be able to tour some ancient facilities that the three LOCs were built around.

David: Oh, really?

Corey: Right. Immediately after the briefing had concluded, we were escorted directly to that tour, but the briefing wasn't over.

What occurred was the window that was against the wall that had the moonscape scene, one of the large smart-glass pad screens lowered from the ceiling.

And Sigmund stood up, and he said, “I've got a treat for the both of you.”

He stood next to the screen, and then pivoted back toward us at the table, and he said, “For some time, we have been observing what appears to be a derelict craft that's been coming towards our Solar System, and it's, you know, one of the many things out there that we're monitoring.”

David: Did you have a sense as to what he meant by “for some time”? Are we talking many years?

Corey: That's all I got.

David: Hm.

Corey: So I know they've probably been tracking it for many years.

David: Hm. Okay.

Corey: He said, “We were observing it with key interest, because it was getting closer and closer to the Outer Barrier.”

And the region where the Outer Barrier is, they were kind of interested to see what would happen when the craft interacted with the Barrier, . . .

David: Right.

Corey: . . . like what type . . .you know. They could gather intel.

David: Did they have any intel on . . . like if a spacecraft had tried to escape our Solar System and hit the Barrier, does it explode? What actually happens if something strikes the Barrier?

Corey: It seemed to be kind of like a plastic or something that held them back.

David: Oh!

Corey: They would try to go, and it would hold them back.

David: So it didn't necessarily destroy them, but it just would stretch?

Corey: Right.

David: Okay.

Corey: Right.

David: So how much information were they able to gather about this craft? Like, were they observing it up close? Were they landing on it?

Corey: Well, they were gathering telemetry for a while, and they were watching it approach the Barrier.

David: Oh, right! So because they couldn't leave the Barrier . . .

Corey: Right.

David: . . . they couldn't go out and look at it. They could just watch it with instruments.

Corey: Right.

David: Okay.

Corey: So the moment that it was going to strike the Barrier region, they had all of their instruments pointed in that direction.

And to their shock, this derelict craft came through the Barrier.

David: Really?

Corey: Well, yeah, but what they didn't know . . . So the Barrier had already been dissolved or taken down.

David: Right, which you had said in the previous update.

Corey: Right.

David: Yeah.

Corey: But an announcement didn't go out. No one knew.

David: Right.

Corey: So a lot of the beings weren't coming here or leaving because they thought the Barrier was still erected.

David: But you had mentioned that this Galactic Federation was now enforcing it.

Corey: Right.

David: So would that end up being basically the same thing in terms of how it works?

Corey: Basically, in how it works, except with a military blockade, they're probably going to stop you with extreme prejudice.

David: Right. Okay. So once they found out that the Outer Barrier wasn't working, that this craft glided through it, what did they do next?

Corey: Well, Sigmund, as he was standing up giving the presentation, he sort of puffed up, and he said, “I led an expedition to this craft to see who owned it; where it came from.”

David: Hm.

Corey: And as he said that, telemetry started popping up on the screen. It was obviously a video, and then all of these numbers and coordinates started popping up real fast, and then they went away.

And then I saw a long narrow point of light, like in black space something reflecting light, and it was slowly tumbling, very slowly tumbling.

And I started hearing beeping and communications, sort of like a NASA transmission, and they were talking about matching the spin of the craft.

And then they were calling out how close they were, you know, and touch down or land with the object, and they did, “Three, two, one, mark”.

You know, it was just like a NASA transmission.

The shuttle that was approaching this craft, out of it, I guess the side of the craft or the bottom, it shot out a drone.

And this drone was taking a video of the shuttle craft getting closer and closer.

It was a long cigar-shaped stone craft. It was made of stone.

David: Okay.

Corey: About a third of the way down was what looked like a metallic, very crystalline metallic material, that was obviously where the bridge had been of this craft.

And this stone craft looked like it had gone through just millions of years of collisions of other space objects. It was really beat up.

On the outside, there was . . . looked like dirty ice going from the point of the dome, . . . And the dome had all these holes in it. It was all cracked and smashed up,

But out of it, going along the side of the craft and around, was ice. It looked greenish-brown, like lake water, with here and there pink or orange little smears in it.

I obviously didn't know what THAT was at this point.

Once they landed and secured their landing with this craft, they began to exit in spacesuits.

David: How did they get in?

Corey: Well, they got in through one of the holes.

David: In that bubble that you mentioned?

Corey: Yeah, in that bubble. They had lights on their helmets and on different parts of their suits, and at the end of each of their wrists, there was a light shooting out.

David: Was there any gravity that allowed them to walk, or how were they able to maneuver into the craft?

Corey: There was no gravity. They pulled their selves through just like you see astronauts on the Space Station, you know?

David: Okay.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: new Discoveries of the Ancient Builder Race Click Here

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