
Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Extreme Experiments With Alien Hybrids


David Wilcock and Emery Smith
Cosmic Disclosure:
Extreme Experiments With Alien Hybrids

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with our special guest, Emery Smith.

So in the previous episode, we were talking about some of these genetic programs that you were involved with in which extraterrestrial DNA was being blended with human DNA. And this gets into some very strange things.

Emery Smith: Yes.

David: And you had mentioned hybrids.

Emery: Right.

David: So hybrid beings might have qualities that are different from regular humans, as you said.

Emery: Right. Right. Like, humanoid extraterrestrials similar to us and similar to our DNA are a great match to make a hybrid.

And, of course, they may have other abilities that we don't have like exceptional hearing, smell, taste. You know, all the senses might be a little bit different or elevated,especially their neurological system and their brains. But they're all compatible. So it's very interesting.

But during a lot of the hybrid testing, it wasn't like it just was that easy. They made a lot of mistakes. There were a lot of mutations.

And during the mutations, they thought that was good, because they would come out a little bit different, such as reduced cognitive function and a very short fuse, we'll say. They became angry, some of the hybrids.

So they made an entire different program based on making sure they could mutate them.

And that was a different project, a different location on this planet, that was also run by the same MILABs.

So they took the mutation of these genes of all these mutated creatures, and then started mutating them even more, more, more and more.

And then they became so mutated that the cells were actually dying too quickly.

And they were able to add proteins to them to re-animate the body, even though it was brain dead.

David: So this is similar to the concept of the zombie.

Emery: Exactly, yeah.

David: So I have heard from others before you and I ever talked about this about the zombie program. And Corey Goode independently said that he was aware of it.

He might not have thought that it was as prevalent as some of the stuff that you've told me, but, again, nobody really has access to all the compartments.

So let's go into this a little bit.

I guess to frame the discussion, first of all, we have to remember some of the people working in this black ops world are straight ahead Satanic Cabal. Correct?

Emery: Correct.

David: Were you made aware of certain groups that had a depopulation agenda, for example?

Emery: Yes, absolutely.

David: And what was their reasoning behind wanting to reduce the Earth's population? What was the excuse that they would use?

Emery: Control. Yeah, it's getting too out of control for them to control. There's too many people for them to control.

David: So by lowering the population, they could create the New World Order concept?

Emery: Correct.

David: Okay. With people that have that kind of psychopathic, cultish background, why would they see this as useful? What would be the agenda here?

Emery: Well, they made it look like they could use it for maybe war or something, dropping in some psychopathic hybrids in an area and killing a bunch of people, but it actually became more ego-oriented with the Cabal.

And what I mean by that is they were funding a lot of money into these underground . . . amazing underground facilities that were growing all sorts of hideous things, mixing all sorts of hybrid DNA.

Don't forget this is all because we were mixing ET DNA with human DNA and not doing it . . . maybe it's just at the right temperature, and things would happen.

They would mutate into very different things, because it does have to be just right.

David: Now, most people who are familiar with traditional ufology are going to be thinking Dulce, New Mexico. Have you ever gotten confirmation of that kind of stuff being in Dulce?

Emery: No. Actually, I've heard of them storing a few of these beings there – a “few” meaning a few hundred – but actually it was at a separate facility not in North America. That is the underground facility.

And mainly it was for safety, because if something were to break out, such as a virus or something, they didn't want it to be HERE first, even though the funders are from . . . live here, and the corporations are based out of the United States of America.

David: In a previous episode, you mentioned some sort of weird bear-human hybrid breaking out and causing a lot of damage.

Is that different from what we're talking about now, or is this a similar type of idea?

Emery: It's different. They were really trying to make a type of hybrid animal, actually, but it didn't have human DNA in it. It was more animalistic and programmable.

And it was more geared up for, like, the osseointegration projects in the early, early years of making a super-warrior animal that could assist the troops or at least just be dropped in a zone and destroy everything before it was killed.

David: So these hybrids that we're talking about now, they have extraterrestrial DNA, but would they look extraterrestrial?

Emery: They may or may not, depending on the percentage of DNA that they have that is human, because they have to have a pretty close match, number one, for it to work.

And that's when mutation happens. When you push the envelope of percentages of human genomes and interacting with making a human from two different types of genes, it can get really tricky. That's why they had all these mutations.

But then, the more human extraterrestrial DNA they got that was more similar to humans, using humanoid extraterrestrial, then they perfected it so it would be okay.

David: So what were some of the extraterrestrial genetic components that advanced these hybrids over what we would normally be like? What were some of the special features, let's say?

Emery: Well, it could be anything from height, higher metabolism, that you didn't have to eat as much, eyesight would be amazingly increased, taste.

All the senses are usually enhanced, but the most important thing was cognitive function and also having a better awareness than a normal human. So they were more aware than a normal human.

And they also had higher IQs than humans.

David: When we're dealing with these malevolent hybrids, these zombie humanoids, what aspect of extraterrestrial genetics was added, and how did that affect them?

Emery: What happens is: when they're making hybridization, many things can go wrong.

Like I said, it could be just a small temperature thing when they're growing these beings.

And once they start mutating, then you've basically lost the entire project. Once a cell starts mutating, then it's not going to come out perfect. It's going to be very different as far as cognitive function.

And what they do is they'll add chemicals and amino acids and peptides and hormones, and they'll try to regulate it.

And if it doesn't go well, they still let it grow. And then they take that genetic DNA from this, and then take it over to that place, that other MILAB. And they usually shipped the whole being and everything.

And then it's stored there for THOSE scientists to make it even worse. You know, they may add animal DNA to it. They may try to make a disgusting creature or being.

And that's why I said it was ego-related because it is being funded, but it wasn't performing anything. There was no performance factor.

Like, we always had performance factors for ALL of our MILABs.

If you don't meet your performance factor, your whole project gets shut down, and that might mean just meeting a quota.

Or it might mean collecting more ETs or beings or whatever.

So getting back to what you just said, it has to do with when we're growing these beings, if they're going to come out good or not, all depends on the environment and if the DNA is a match or not.

And if not, then they would genetically, and using frequencies, try to trick the DNA to making it THINK it's a match.

David: Uh!

Emery: Yes.

David: So if we're having a program that doesn't really have a desirable outcome right off the bat, there's no immediate benefit.

With these psychopathic Cabal people, they're looking at it in a different way.

Are they looking at it as a weapon system of some kind?

Emery: Kind of a fear factor, depopulization factor, you know, they could easily introduce a couple of these beings.

They might go into a city, carry a virus, and easily transmit this virus to a human, and that human would mutate as well.

David: Really?

Emery: Yes! Yeah, not instantaneously, but pretty quickly.

David: It would appear, then, that the media has already been greatly telegraphing something like this.

Emery: Sure.

David: In other words, there's a LOT of movies, and there's a lot of television shows like “The Walking Dead”.

Emery: Well, right.

David: Even the second “Maze Runner” movie turns out to all be zombies.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Extreme Experiments With Alien Hybrids Click Here

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