
Thursday, May 03, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Programming Human Alien Hybrids


David Wilcock and Emery Smith
Cosmic Disclosure:
Programming Human Alien Hybrids

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here again with our special guest, Emery Smith.

In this episode, we're going to be getting into extraterrestrial and human hybridization and some of the very bizarre research that he was involved in on that subject.

Emery, welcome back.

Emery Smith: Thanks, Dave. Thanks for having me.

David: When you have told us about the work that you did with the autopsies of extraterrestrial bodies, it's a very curious subject for me because obviously these bodies are coming from somewhere.

Emery: Right.

David: But the scope of how many you yourself autopsied – you say, including all the tissue samples and everything, 3,000, roughly . . .

Emery: Yeah. Specimens – tissue samples and beings, yeah.

David: The sheer genetic diversity of all that material, and then the idea of: if light speed is a barrier for travel, how could there be so many extraterrestrials that we would even be able to get our hands on?

Or is light speed not a barrier to your understanding?

Emery: Oh, light speed definitely is not a barrier for extraterrestrials.

And that's a great point to correlate with the amount of numbers of tissue specimen autopsies I've done, and the number of operating rooms that are down there that are running 24/7, . . .

David: Right.

Emery: . . . and the number of living habitable worlds just in our own Solar System.

David: Right.

Emery: So the numbers are not a lot. We look at it like it's a lot of numbers, but as you pointed out, with everything else that's going on in the universe, and all the different habitable worlds that's been proven, if you really think about it, it's not a big number for just one little planet to have all these different specimens.

And what's not to say all these specimens came from outer space? Maybe they came from inside the Earth in different places. Maybe they DID open up some cavities and found different living things.

Maybe some things have been coming through portals as well that we're unaware of that they've been collecting, which is a whole other subject.

But what's going on is basically we do know one thing: they HAVE specimens. And they're taking this DNA, and they're mixing it with human DNA, and they're trying to make the human a little bit more powerful, a little bit more stronger and trying to also incorporate that to a super-soldier program to have stronger bones, you know, have a faster thought process, and these things.

David: Again, it was very surprising to me when we were talking about you seeing a Reptilian-type of being apparently in custody of two people. You said it was 10' tall, but that for you at that point in time, it could just as easily, or maybe more easily, have been something that we grew, or we made.

You weren't necessarily convinced you were seeing an extraterrestrial.

What led you to having that level of confidence that such a thing could have even been accomplished?

Emery: Well, number one, just seeing something like that, it's hard for me to believe too much that I see when it's like that brought out in the open. And it's usually sometimes done intentionally and sometimes not.

But after working on the cell collection job, I also later on went into the super-soldier program where they were mixing hybrid DNA with human DNA in Petri dishes, of course, really small level stuff, and also the osseointegration program of mixing tissue into titanium and allowing tissue to grow inside titanium and making our bones stronger.

David: How does that work? That seems to be pretty far out stuff. Titanium you wouldn't think is going to be able to blend with living tissue, per se.

Emery: That's what we all thought, but with the advent of new materials out there and the nanoparticles of the surface of the titanium, they have now mastered it and mimicked bone marrow.

You know bone marrow, when you cut into your steak, and you have that mushy, spongy type?

David: Sure.

Emery: Well, they have mimicked that exactly into titanium. Then they put stem cells, and growth factors, and tissue, bone cells, in there, and it grows and just flourishes inside titanium.

David: Really?

Emery: And the body accepts it as a natural . . . It doesn't resist titanium.

So steel and titanium is used in surgery all the time. So they learned this is going to be a great way to reinforce anyone's bones, number one, and to allow them to withstand a lot more pressure.

They were having problems, of course, with the muscles and tendons. Muscles they can grow to infinite.

The tendons were the problem because the tenocytes are the hardest thing to grow, and it couldn't support the weight of the extra metal, and the bone, and the strong muscle.

So then they started looking into hybridization of DNA with stronger tenocytes from other living creatures.

David: Well, you whizzed through a lot of stuff really fast there, so let's try to break this down into chunks.

First of all, yes, I've heard about people having titanium rod in their leg, titanium bolts holding their bones together, that kind of thing, but are we talking about something that can be introduced into a healthy living adult, or are we talking about something that has to be manufactured in conjunction with biological tissue as it grows, like a . . .

Emery: Correct.

David: . . . designer being?

Emery: That's correct. It used to be: let's just reinforce this person, see what happens, which is a very . . . you know, it's surgical. It's a very brutal type thing.

But now, with the advent of 3D printing organs and tissues, all I need is a piece of your DNA, and I can 3D-print you over nine months and have you, your body and your everything.

Even you will recoup a lot of your memory because it's stored in the DNA.

David: Hm.

Emery: So what I'm getting at is: what if I put the titanium already into the vat and 3D-printed you over the titanium with all the articulate cartilage and metaprogram?

And I could program, like you said, the kind of soldier I want.

David: So you're growing it life-adult size from the beginning?

Emery: Correct.

David: Well, normally, a human is going to take 13, 14 years to reach adult height, maybe even longer.

Emery: Right.

David: So how would they accelerate the gestation growth process?

Emery: Yeah, they do that . . . Nine to 24 months, they can make a complete body.

And they do that with the advancement of neurotransmitter chemicals, and hormones, and special amino acids from un-Earth origin that allows the body to regenerate faster and the cells.

The problem they're having is with the brain. It doesn't grow as fast as everything else.

David: Hm.

Emery: So that's the problem with when we take a pig heart. The reason we use pig valves in open-heart surgery . . .

David: Sure.

Emery: . . . is because they grow around the exact same time – cells.

Now, if I took a dog heart and put it in you, it would grow SO fast that you would die, because their cells replicate even faster.

David: Hm.

Emery: So what they are trying to do is: let's find all the species on the planet, and let's find out who replicates the fastest, and let's make it more of THAT species than human.

And that way that will be the dominant gene, you know, in that being, but it will have all those attributes of great eyesight . . . .

So they were splicing hundreds of different genes together, which is very difficult to do. And they use very mega supercomputers to do this because of all the algorithms that are done.

And they did it from scratch, and then they keep adding extraterrestrial DNA to it with the extraterrestrial DNA that they have found that is comparable to human DNA as far as the growth rates.

And that's why I mentioned the pigs, believe it or not, are the closest thing to us. They have the same growth rate.

So once you get all the same growth rate on board, then you're allowed to add certain things to them and growing conditions to accelerate the hybridization and the growth, and at different times adding different chemicals to that being so that the brain keeps up with it, because the brain is the problem.

David: So you're saying that the bone marrow of an entire skeleton would be created almost like a chassis or framework and then grown, or is it more . . . ?

Emery: Yea, you can grow the bone over the titanium and just reinforce it. So the titanium is already there.

And then you have these 3D printers that are printing the tissue into and onto the metal or other substances.

There's other substances they use besides . . . I'm just using titanium as a basis . . .

David: Okay.

Emery: . . . because everyone understands titanium and osseointegration in the science world.

But there are other substances they're using besides that now that are more flexible and that are more durable to keep these . . . you know, to keep the person, or the soldier, or the programmed life form, or the clone, to last longer in battle or to last longer on mission-oriented missions.

David: So if you print up a being into full adulthood in such a short time – you say as little as nine months – does that also lower its overall lifespan because it hasn't grown at the slow rate that a human normally would?

Emery: I was not in the project long enough to know about that, but from what I heard, that is true because of the mutations that happen when you grow cells.

Like if I take your cell – like a stem cell – and I grow a bunch of them, some of them are going to be a little whacked off. And that could turn into a mutation.

And then when they found out this happens, they embraced it, because they were now making new species, because they WANTED it to mutate. And then it got really weird.

So then you were having all these different species in one mutating and forming new crazy monsters.

All sorts of weird designs were being made, mixing extraterrestrial DNA with human DNA, with the DNA from different types of bacteria in the ocean, and this, and that, and the other.

And it just got out-of-hand.

And you'd see vats and vats of these beings in stasis that they failed, like the one I told you about, the tiger, the person-tiger.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Programming Human Alien Hybrids
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