
Friday, May 25, 2018

Dr. Steven Greer: Unacknowledged - Zero-Point-Energy Technology

By Dr. Steven Greer

Unacknowledged - Zero-Point-Energy Technology

This is the reason we are making the UFO/ET forbidden history public: zero-point-energy and anti-gravitic technologies that were reverse-engineered from downed extraterrestrial craft, dating back to the Roswell crash landings in June/July of 1947.

You may be thinking … ah, come on now; I know this can’t be true. After all, why would anyone deny a non-polluting free energy source that can do so much good for the world?
In a word: Power―of which money is only a symbol.


In 1901, when Nikola Tesla had figured out how to tap into the zero-point-energy field―a discovery that would have made power plants obsolete. J. P. Morgan didn’t like the idea of free energy, having just invested heavily in the copper wire that was required in electrical wiring. So the industrialist got his cronies in Washington, D.C. to stop Tesla and had them confiscate all his

Since then, no patents have been issued on any inventions or energy systems that threaten to replace the status quo. (Who killed the electric car indeed). A century later, our growth has stagnated, our vehicles are still saddled with gasoline-dependent combustion engines, the poles are melting, cancer runs rampant from our needless exposure to the rising amount of toxins being pumped every day into our environment, and 80% of the world’s population
lives in abject poverty.
It was never supposed to be like that.

WE THE PEOPLE can change the world for the infinite better for all, simply by demanding free, clean zero-point-energy.

Learn more by watching the "Unacknowledged" documentary and reading the companion book "Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the
World's Greatest Secret".

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