
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Dire Consequences of Breaching Security

David Wilcock and Emery Smith
Cosmic Disclosure:
Dire Consequences of Breaching Security

David Wilcock: Welcome to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here with our guest, Emery Smith.

Emery, welcome back.

Emery Smith: Hi, Dave. Thanks for having me again.

David: In a previous episode, we were discussing some kinds of things that might happen where perhaps somebody is shifty and nervous, and they're looking around. And they come up to you and they say, “There's something I really want you to know, but I don't know if I should tell you.”

And I asked you, “Did that ever happen?” And what was your answer? Let's just review that first.

Emery: Yeah, there was something similar to that. It doesn't usually happen that way. It usually happens after you know someone's been in a project for a very, very long time, longer than you have, even.

And they see that you've been in there a long time, so they know that you're doing something right because you're still there.

And, you know, at the lunch table, you might be sharing some information. You might become friends, which you're not allowed to become friends with anyone, even inside these compartmentalized programs or outside. But it does happen.

David: Well, now, wait a minute. On a typical military uniform, there's a name, right, like in the Army or the Marines.

Emery: Yes.

David: Do you have names on your uniforms in there?

Emery: No, no. There's no names. You only have the band.

David: So are you allowed to tell people what your name is, or is it even . . .

Emery: Yes.

David: Okay.

Emery: Yeah, you're allowed to have “casual conversation”, they say. So people talk about their families, what they did over the weekend, common things you hear normal people talk about: movies and TV shows and funny jokes, of course.

A lot of jokes are said during lunch that people come up with that also reflect on some of the projects that we work on. But it doesn't talk about the project, so it's okay.

David: So you could get to know somebody by name . . .

Emery: Sure.

David: . . . and remember their name and talk to them. Did you also have outside the cafeteria any recreational areas that you would hang out with these people in?

Emery: Well, not recreational areas, but I became friends with a lot of the commanders and a lot of scientists that were in the same projects.

And I did illegally meet with these scientists and people for social gatherings, dinners and barbecues.

You think because it's your commander inviting you to the barbecue, that – and he's been in it for 10, 20 years more than you – that everything's going to be all right, right? And that's not the fact. That is not a fact . . . that it's not all right.

And they put these in place – these rules – so these things don't happen and that the information does not fall into the wrong hands.

And one of the commanders on one of the projects I was working on I became really close with – a really good friend of mine. And we'd go mountain biking together. We had motorcycles. Just one of my buddies, you know?

David: Were you allowed to have a mountain biking expedition with the commander off base? Or was that not . . .

Emery: No. No, you are not allowed to.

David: Right.

Emery: Absolutely not. I remember visiting him and his wife, and my girlfriend and I, many times out to eat and things. And we would never really talk about anything to do on the base. We were really good about that.

But, you know, during our lunch hours and during other hours of trainings in these underground facilities, you do talk sometimes. People slip up and start talking about things.

And one of the things he mentioned to me was this amazing craft that he was going to get me involved with possibly to work on and to actually try out the flight simulator of an alien reproduction vehicle.

David: Really?

Emery: Yeah.

David: Now, had you ever gotten to see any craft before this point?

Emery: Yes. I did see a craft before this point but not to this extent, and they were not alien reproduction vehicles.

David: Now, what is an alien reproduction vehicle for those who don't know?

Emery: When we have craft that we find or unearth or shoot down or collect from space junk or collect from some other place in space, it's brought to these facilities, and they basically try to reverse engineer these craft to the best that they can of their abilities.

David: So this commander buddy of yours . . .

Emery: Yes.

David: . . . sounds like you guys had really gotten close. You're going mountain biking with him. You're having dinner with his family.

Did they have . . . like . . . Did you guys get chipped? Could they have GPSed you and know that you were having dinner with this guy?

Emery: No, not that I was aware of. I actually got caught with the commander in a location that I was not authorized to be in because of my clearance.

And everything went to hell in a handbag after that.

David: Well, this is a story you told me many years ago, so let's unpack this a little bit.

Where were you with the commander when he first told you about this, and what did he say you might be able to see?

Emery: There was an actual extraterrestrial craft that they had captured and brought into one of the underground hangar operating rooms . . .

David: Okay.

Emery: . . . the whole vacuumed one. And inside that, they were duplicating it in the same room, trying to reverse engineer the craft.

David: Okay.

Emery: So they started with the inside of the craft. So it was kind of like the craft was opened up, and you could cut it in half.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Dire Consequences of Breaching Security Click Here

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