
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Initiation Into Secret Projects

David Wilcock and Emery Smith
Cosmic Disclosure:
Initiation Into Secret Projects

David Wilcock: Welcome to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I am here with Emery Smith.

Since information in these classified programs is so compartmentalized and difficult to get, how do you actually achieve a level of knowledge within the classified world?

What does it take to get a security clearance? And how do you progress through these various stages and ranks to get to the good stuff?

Emery, welcome back.

Emery Smith: Thanks, Dave.

David: So the first thing I'd like to start with is an audience question. And that is: how did you train to become a technician? What was your training? How did you get this training?

So could you please give us more information on that exactly?

Emery: Sure. And this is nothing secret or different than any other person that joins the military that picks a classification they want to go into.

I went into surgical technology. From there, you get different classifications because you can completely continue your education with the Community College of the Air Force and their technician programs, such as after basic training, which I only had to do a few weeks of because of my prior military training as a teenager.

I was immediately shipped to Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas.

And from there, I went through an extensive training of surgical technology and also surgical first assisting.

From there, you get deployed to another area, such as I was deployed to an air transportable hospital at England Air Force Base, Louisiana.

And that's one of these places where out of just a couple C-130s, we can drop down a whole hospital, have it ready to go in 24 hours anywhere in the world.

So that was my training just for the basics of the surgical technology, and that's where I learned a lot of this and trained under many great physicians.

And from there, I went to Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico and trained through the hospital system there.

You're always in training, so you know. There's always new things coming out. There's always new techniques.

A good example of this is just doing CPR. And CPR last year and the year before . . . it keeps changing. Maybe it's a different amount of breaths or a different amount of chest compressions.

So you have to be allocated and get your CMEs accredited for doctors and nurses and all medical people. It's an ongoing, continuing education program.

So for me, it was great because I'm high energy, and I wanted to learn more and more and more. And the Air Force just kept feeding it to me.

David: So given that this was obviously very intensive training, did you also receive knowledge that would not be given to people if they went to a university?

Emery: That's absolutely correct. The things that I have learned through the military-industrial complex and the military itself – because I was doing both civilian and military work at the same time I was on active duty – the types of training and education is not available to the general public, okay? And that's because of these different types and compartmentalized programs that I was working with.

You HAD to get additional training. You had to take different courses and things with electromagnetics and sciences, even with medicine, that were not out yet.

And I've noticed that usually after five or 10 years, some of these things would go out, like harmonic scalpels. They were using that in the early '80s, and it really didn't come forward until the early '90s. and then it became mainstream.

David: In a previous episode, you mentioned that you had some kind of high school program that started you in the military.

Emery: Sure, yep.

David: So could you delineate for us: how old were you when you got into the military? And how long did it take before you started to get invited into secret projects?

Emery: The first thing I joined was Civil Air Patrol at the age of 13. It's an auxiliary to the Air Force. It's in many, many communities. It's not a secret.

Now, during Civil Air Patrol, I also took Army ROTC. And that's just a normal thing that's in most high schools.

And so I had a really good affinity for the Army, because during the four years, I did a lot of encampments. Some of these are two weeks to a month long.

Some of the survival missions of the Civil Air Patrol could be up to a week long in very desolate areas of the world. And they teach you things, like I said, first aid and search and rescue.

So search and rescue is the biggest thing: how do you utilize an ELT, Emergency Locating Transmitting device, which is located in every aircraft in the tail section and also every boat.

David: At what point did you start to encounter information that was classified enough that it would really trip people out if they hadn't already ever heard about this before?

Emery: Probably my sophomore year. We all take these tests called the ASVAB test [Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test].

David: Right.

Emery: It gives you job placement in the military. But I was getting additional ASVABs, where I had to travel to MacDill Air Force Base and take a test every weekend.

My Army ROTC commander says this is just additional things they ask for some people. And actually, I thought maybe I didn't do good on the ASVAB, but it wasn't. It actually . . . Later on, I found out that these are tests additionally they test children with to measure their consciousness and collective state.

David: So what did these tests lead to if you got positive results? Did you end up in a briefing? Did somebody hand you a stack of documents?

Emery: Nothing really was strange up until I went to England Air Force Base, my first duty assignment in Alexandria, Louisiana, right next to Fort Polk Army Base.

And then from there, it was really interesting that, “Oh, my gosh. You're now being assigned to Kirtland Air Force Base – out of nowhere.” And everybody else went somewhere else – all my other colleagues and airmen.

And THAT'S where things started taking off – when I went to Kirtland. And I had a really great feeling about this move.

So I was excited to get out of the swamp, get into the mountains in the higher atmosphere.

David: Did somebody give you like a knowing look or a wink or a pat on the shoulder?

Emery: Yeah. They treated me at Kirtland Air Force Base a lot better than they did at England Air Force Base. And I knew there was something going on, because when I went there, I immediately was in charge, directly and indirectly, of maybe 30 different technicians . . .

David: Wow!

Emery: . . . and surgical specialists, because I already had a lot of experience. And the next thing you know is when they approached me and said . . . one of the commanders there approached me and said, “Hey, we have additional things that you could work on if you want – additional trainings and additional education, if you'd like. And we would actually allow you to leave work early to do these things.” And so I did.

And some of these were just trauma training, air evac training, flight medicine, things like this.

And that's how I knew right away, “Wow! This is going to be a really great opportunity for me not only to get more ribbons but to get promoted faster and be part of other compartmentalized programs.”

And that's when they came to me and asked me, after I did another additional training, “Would you like to moonlight for this new wing of the military that has to do with harvesting organs?”

And I was, of course, more than welcome to sign that paper because I wanted, of course, to be more financially stable. You don't get paid anything in the military, as you know. And it was easy for me to . . .I had so much energy, it was easy for me to start a job at 6:00 p.m. and work to 1:00 a.m. and then get back up at 4:00 a.m. and be at work at 5:00 p.m. and do this over and over. [Emery may have meant 5:00 a.m..]

I was in great shape back then, because I was working out two hours a day, and the training alone was amazing.

And a lot of neat travel was involved with these things, having to go to different Air Force bases, like Holloman Air Force Base and White Sands Missile Range and some others that I won't talk about.

And it just opened up, I think, the area for me to slip into this compartmentalized program. And that's when I realized I was not going to be doing organ harvesting on soldiers.

David: So you described in previous episodes that the original nine months of your time doing these autopsies were kind of boring little squares or rectangles of tissue.

Emery: Correct.

David: So did anybody ever actually give you a briefing? Because a lot of the insiders I've spoken to . . . let me just say the context.

They get sat down at some point. They get shown weird films, or they get told things. Or they are given a huge stack of paper to read. And that's a commonality in a lot of these stories.

So I'm wondering, if you're getting these little squares of tissue, had you been given any of that kind of a briefing before that made you at all anticipate that this might be something weird?

Emery: It really wasn't until maybe six or nine months into the program where I started getting special classes, we'll say, and instruction that in order for you to work in a different operating room or a different area or different wing, you would have to go through these training instruction courses.

And it would cover things. And the word I did hear was “tissue other than Earth origin”.

David: They used that term?

Emery: Yes, they did.

David: Really?

Emery: And that's how I knew later on what was really taking place here. Whether it was true or not, the stuff I was working on definitely did not look like any type of human bodily material or fluid by far.

David: Were these no-questions briefings? Or were you able to interact with someone who was telling you things?

Emery: Once every two weeks, you would get an actual briefing from a head scientist or a commander.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Initiation Into Secret Projects
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