
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

David Wilcock on Ascension Mysteries

By David Wilcock

David Wilcock on Ascension Mysteries:
4.5 Hours of New YouTube Videos!

Remarkable events are taking place in the world that verify many of the prognostications and insider disclosures David has gotten over the last 23 years.

We are indeed living in very exciting times. Civilization-defining change may well be right around the corner.

David has perfected his live video-streaming setup and despite all the hurdles, there are already four and a half hours of videos on Ascension you can watch now!


My life was forever changed in January 1996 when my study of over 300 different books on the paranormal was put into warp drive by discovering the Law of One series.

Finally I found a unified body of philosophical, spiritual and scientific teaching that actually fit all the pieces together.

As I have said before, this was like the written equivalent of the Roswell crash — an anomalous ‘technology’ from a highly advanced intelligence dropped into our world.

We could study the entire thing — every detail, every nuance — and this “celestial endowment” could transform our world in breathtaking ways.

Although I had largely memorized the content of the 300-plus books I had read, I did not see how they integrated into a greater whole until I read the Law of One.

Within a few months, I became aware that all the dreams I’d had about transforming into a light being were more than just metaphors of spiritual advancement.

They may very literally have been prophetic — of something that most people would call Ascension.

Once I realized that an event like this was heading our way, and saw how it all fit together, this became the single unifying element to integrate everything I was studying.


Life can be wildly distracting and unpredictable. These days, change occurs very swiftly and you either harmonize with it or get quickly spit out.

In Law of One terms, there is a massive intensification of “fourth density photons” streaming into the earth from our sun.

So much of the science in the Law of One required further research to flesh out that I have dedicated my life to doing so ever since.

The idea of photons storing information, with varying levels of complexity depending upon the photon, can now be well established.

The Law of One model therefore holds up to scientific scrutiny, which I have explored now in three different published books totaling over 2000 academic references.

If you are a regular follower of this work, you are probably well aware of the scientific arguments I have made over the years.

Though I love to “geek out on that stuff,” this also is very much a personal process that affects the ebb and flow of our lives each and every day.

If you are feeling constantly overwhelmed and challenged, guess what… you are right where you need to be. You are in the Ascension.


The Law of One model indicates that as there is an intensification of fourth-density photons to the earth, all the hidden negativity becomes visible.

This is certainly the case… like never before.

We have been saying for years that pedophilia would be exposed at the very highest levels, and that the Cabal’s spiritual center is the Vatican.

How about the third-highest member of the Vatican being convicted on child sex charges — the very man responsible for defending them against these allegations?

For the rest of David Wilcock's article with links, images and video
Click Here

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