
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Neil Keenan Update: There’s A New Sheriff In Town, No More Freebies

Neil Keenan as part of his initiation as Amanah in former president of Indonesia Sukarno’s room

Neil Keenan Update:
There’s A New Sheriff In Town,
No More Freebies

See also: The Asian Insider: Why Was Neil Keenan Elected Amanah?

The relentless battle continues for the ultimate end to worldwide, financial debt slavery.

In fact, it has exponentially heated up, as Neil Keenan and Group K are valiantly moving against this nefarious nemesis on the world stage, particularly in Indonesia.

In Neil Keenan, Indonesia has had a true Warrior fighting for them, Someone who will not quit, Someone who does not know how to quit; Someone who has unwaveringly put his life on the line time and time again to win this utmost critical, world-changing battle up until today.

For the purpose of updating and clarifying new / emerging information, we once again review significant past occurrences.

For further relevant historical detail please take the time to read The History & Events Timeline.

(Especially Section: 4.02 The 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement: Power Bloc Coup)

When the Bretton Woods Agreement was signed post WWII (1944), it brought in a new era of financial chicanery by what is known as the Deep State or the “Swamp”.

The cunning players involved arranged a new, corrupt financial system including the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the World Bank and other financial institutions to launder, mirror and hypothecate assets. This process also relied on the Vatican and the Bank of England in their corrupt attempts in deceiving the World with their fiat debt-slavery control programs.

They set up the Central (Reserve) Banking System to work within the already corrupt system and found ways to steal from the East (Indonesia) without breaking a sweat; that is, until Neil Keenan had notes entrusted to him in 2009 that eventually turned out to be stolen.

See the revealing link below containing a statement about the theft of the notes by a Senior European Agent that were given to Benjamin Fulford:

Statement of A Senior European Agent – About Daniele Dal Bosco, Giancarlo Bruno and The World Economic Forum

As you see in the above link, the theft of the highly important Federal Reserve Notes began when Benjamin Fulford introduced Neil to a very trusted Italian friend of his, Daniel Dal Bosco.

What Fulford failed to mention to Neil was that Dal Bosco was a Financial Adviser to the Vatican who was also the Secretary to Leo Zagami, the Prince and Illuminati boss of the Italian P2 Freemason Lodge.

Youtube image capture of Benjamin Fulford and Leo Zagami

For the rest of Neil's update with important links, images and video
Click Here

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