
Friday, March 22, 2019

New Film by Dr. Steven Greer: Close Encounters of the 5th Kind

By Dr. Steven Greer

A message from Dr. Greer about the film.


"Close Encounters of the 5th Kind"

Become a part of history by supporting the crowdfunding campaign to create the most important documentary of our time!

Close Encounters of the 5th Kind is intended to reach millions of people with the vision and knowledge of open contact with extraterrestrial civilizations that are awaiting humanity's peaceful response to their presence. The movie will explore the interface between consciousness and space, time and matter, and how this interface can be explored to make human-initiated, peaceful contact with ETs- a CE-5!

We will explore the nature of consciousness as an unbounded field of awareness that transcends the limits of space, time and matter and yet is fully present in every point of space and time. This infinite field of consciousness is present within every awake, sentient being – human and ET. Remote viewing and the CE-5 Contact techniques will be explored and the amazing evidence of CE-5 Contact will be shown as never before! We will explain how ET electromagnetic communications systems interface with consciousness and coherent thought in such a way that ANY human with a peaceful, sincere intent can make contact.

We will present scientific evidence that proves that mind-consciousness is not limited to our bodies or brains but is a seamless field of awareness that connects all times, places and matter.

We will explain how 1% of the population meditating and making peaceful contact can cause a "phase transition" shift that transforms the entire planet and moves humanity onto a peaceful future that is Interstellar.

We will also take you behind the "Alien Mask" of deceptive events and phenomena created by shadowy Unacknowledged Special Access Projects in the military and intelligence community that are designed to sow fear and division among humans regarding the ET presence. Only the truth will set us free from the lies and deceit...

This deeper truth will be presented so that 1% of humanity – the quantum transition critical mass – is reached. At that point humanity and the Earth will transform into a world of peace and enlightenment unrecognizable from today.

THIS is the ultimate Disclosure Event: millions of humans making CE-5 peaceful contact, manifesting such intent and power that it overwhelms the suppression and deception that has kept UFOs and ETs secret for decades.

All of us uniting together can create a force of peace that shifts the destiny of humanity away from endless war and destruction into a time of Universal Peace and Enlightenment.

We invite you to become a part of history and support this historic undertaking. The more funds we can raise the more we can to do to create the best ground-breaking film possible -and also get the word out so that the 75 million people we need- 1% of the earth's population- unite and create an Enlightened future that is peaceful, conscious and sustainable !

Please join us today!

Thank you for your help!
Dr. Steven Greer

Please share widely. Help get the word out!

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