
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Are US Aircraft Carriers Secretly Protected by Electromagnetic “Tesla” Shields?


By Dr. Michael Salla

Are US Aircraft Carriers Secretly Protected by Electromagnetic “Tesla” Shields?

In January 2017, all U.S. aircraft carriers were recalled to their home ports for unknown upgrades. There has been much speculation about what the carriers had been secretly equipped with given the growing threats posed by hypersonic cruise missiles against which the carriers appeared defenseless. The 2018 release of a Navy patent provides a compelling answer to what had happened during the recall. The carriers were secretly equipped with powerful electromagnetic “Tesla” shields that could neutralize all hypersonic and ballistic missile threats.

In January 2017, several news reports appeared describing the recall of all US aircraft carriers to home ports and how for the first time none were actively serving anywhere in the world. On December 30, 2016, a Fox News report explained:
For the next week, not only will there be no U.S. Navy aircraft carrier in the Middle East, but there will be no American aircraft carriers deployed at sea anywhere else in the world, despite a host of worldwide threats facing the United States… the absence of a deployed U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, long seen as a symbol of American power projection, is noteworthy. It is believed to be the first time since World War II that at least one U.S. aircraft carrier has not been deployed.
When the Navy was questioned by Fox News about the recall of all its aircraft carriers in the Middle East, a Navy spokesperson said:
“We are not going to discuss the timing of operational movements of carrier strike groups into and out of the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility,” said Capt. Terry Shannon, a U.S. Naval Forces Central Command spokesman, in a statement to Fox News. Centcom is tasked with control over all U.S. forces in the Middle East and Afghanistan.
The lack of explanation for the recall led to much speculation including some concluding that the recall was done to set up the US for a major false flag attack:
In what can only be described as a disproportionate appropriation of U.S. Navy assets, a blatant breach of standard protocol, and a possible set up for a false flag operation — the entire U.S. Navy aircraft carrier group, 10 active carriers, have returned to port and are now all sitting ducks.
By the end of January 2016, the Navy began redeploying its aircraft carriers and the recall was quickly forgotten. In order to understand why the aircraft carriers were recalled and what they may have been upgraded with, we need to consider the growing threat posed by cruise missiles capable of hypersonic speeds.

I first wrote about cruise missiles developed by Russia and China and sold to countries like Iran that could threaten aircraft carrier battle groups back in November 19, 2007. In an article titled: “The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet – The New Pearl Harbor,” I explained:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with images, links and video Click Here

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