
Friday, August 16, 2019

Area 51 Global ET Contact Event! The Woodstock of ET Contact


By Kosta Makreas

Join Us for a Global ET Contact Event!
The Woodstock of ET Contact
Peace, Love & ET Contact

Area 51
Sept. 20-22, 2019

Hello Everyone!

I am Happy and Excited to ANNOUNCE to the World:

"The Woodstock of ET Contact"

Sept. 20-22, 2019     Join Us From Wherever You Are!

Kosta's Video Message To You:
Star Teachers' Message To You:

JOIN US For A Global ET Contact Event from WHEREVER YOU ARE
CREATE a Love Wave to encompass and heal Gaia and her lifeforms
CONTACT and PARTNER With Our Star Teacher Friends
Scroll to the end to read their specific message to us.

Please SHARE this event everywhere so that masses of people join in!

REGISTER and learn how to participate:

Today is the 50th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival which was held Aug. 15-18, 1969. It created a wave of Love and Peace that defined a generation and inspired the idea of Human Unity.

Today is the launch of "The Woodstock of ET Contact" to be held Sept. 20-22, 2019. In partnership with our Star Friends this global festival is creating a wave of Love and Peace that will define the current generation. It is inspiring the idea of Cosmic Unity.


Social Media Outreach: Rev. Kat Carroll
Non-English Translations & Outreach: Sinead Whelehan
Provide Interview & Media Contacts: Kosta Makreas


"Today marks the beginning of a very special time where we, others like us, and all of you, initiate the co-creative final stages of a major ascension process for all who have decided to move to the higher frequency state of BEing that is our own happy reality of focus.

We encourage you to join in on this celebration of manifesting the New Golden Age of Gaia and of the birthing of the New Human Era. This is accomplished by raising your vibration to a very high and sustained state of conscious and loving Self Awareness. Be good to yourselves and each other. Make every thought, word and deed a Sacred Act of service to others. In doing so, you begin the process of your own liberation.

In the coming days and weeks we will be offering you many messages and announcements of special events and activities to assist you in rising up and joining, finally, your happy, harmonious relatives in a much grander Cosmic Community!

We are with you always, and supporting you on all levels of your amazing progress!

In Lak’ech,

The Star Teachers”

THANK YOU ALL for doing what you can to expand "The Woodstock of ET Contact" as mch as you can and everywhere during the next 5 weeks until Sept. 20-22, 2019.

Yes, there will be people gathered at Area 51. But join us from your homes!

We will not be present at Area 51 and do not condone illegal actions at Area 51. Our event asks you to meditate from wherever you are to create Love and Peace with our ET Friends.

Almost 4 million people indicated some kind of interest on social media in the original Area 51 event.

This "Woodstock of ET Contact" provides us all with the opportunity to raise the vibration of the original Area 51 event. Our Star Friends are present in the sky there and everywhere on Earth. They have asked that we connect with them for the 3 days from wherever we are as often as we would like.

This is your chance to make history! :-) This is our group mission.

We. Are. Not. Alone.

We will create Cosmic Unity, heal our planet, and co-create a Golden Age for all.

THANK YOU for your love and participation. :-)

Love and Blessings,

Kosta Makreas

Founder: & ETLetsTalk Community (25,000 members, 100+ Countries)
The People's Disclosure Movement (We, The People...DISCLOSE!)
The Global CE-5 Initiative (Our 9th year)

Facebook: Woodstock ET Contact CE-5,UFO,SIRIUS

Twitter: etletstalk_km

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