
Sunday, November 03, 2019

Neil Keenan Update | A Reminder: Neil Exposes Bad Players


Neil Keenan Update
A Reminder: Neil Exposes Bad Players
Money and Greed + Being Stupid

For all that are unaware of the history between Benjamin Fulford and Neil Keenan you will find a Post from 2013 which catches both Fulford and Karen Hudes in an attempt to scandalize, slander and destroy Neil Keenan if possible.

I said if possible and of course the year is now 2019 – nearing 2020 and you still have Benjamin Fulford making inaccurate and false statements that Neil Keenan no longer pays attention to.

Enjoy your reading and for those of you who have never seen this you will fall off your seats and get a good understanding of what that group is all about.

Red Dragon (put to bed by Keenan group), OPPT (put to bed by Keenan Group), Swiss Indo ( another one that was put to bed) and the hits just kept on coming.

Group K and Neil took one took them all to the bus and then buried them.

As for Fulford he has been wasting our time for many years and should have been a novelist and not a Cabalist.

Fulford Mis-Steps, Karen Hudes Mis-Speaks

From: Geopolitics | September 20, 2013

This is a very disturbing article to which we are reconsidering our subscription to Fulford’s weekly reports on GeoPolitics, in this most crucial times.

Perhaps, this would explain the inconsistencies of Ben Fulford’s stand regarding the Vatican’s role post mortem. Remember, the White Dragon Society, to which he is acting as the spokesman, made a deal with the P2 Freemasons through Leo Zagami, for a peaceful resolution.

Keenan, in past videos, was not happy with the BRICS alternative bank as just another World Bank.

Also, the One People Public’s Trust [OPPT] was also dismissed by the Keenan Group as another cabalistic attempt to usurp control of the Collateral Accounts.

We have raised the alarm so many times in the past of a possible infiltration by the Jesuits within the ranks of the revolutionaries and reformists.

Once freed from Cabalists’ control, the Collateral Accounts will be channeled by the Keenan Group through non-government organizations and not through the governments, i.e. corporations, for redevelopment purposes and elimination of global poverty.

As far as we, in the Philippines are concern, we want to finally recover the 600,000 kgs. of pure gold, mined from our own land and looted from our Bangko Sentral, during the time of Ferdinand Marcos and earlier, by the Jesuits.

For the rest of Neil Keenan's update Click Here

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