
Friday, December 13, 2019

USAF Secretary and Congressman want to Declassify Secret Space Programs


By Dr. Michael Salla

USAF Secretary and Congressman
want to Declassify Secret Space

On December 7, attendees at the Reagan National Defense Forum held at the Reagan Presidential Library were told by the Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett, and US Congressman Mike Rogers, that they are in favor of declassifying information about the Air Force’s secret space program in order to get the public to support a US Space Force. Their comments confirm that the US Air Force is on the verge of disclosing the truth behind rumors of a secret space program and that the Space Force is a vital part of a series of stunning disclosures that lie ahead.

Barrett and Rogers’ comments were published by Defense News in an article by reporter Nathan Strout with the eye-catching title, “Barrett, Rogers consider declassifying secretive space programs”. Barrett and Rogers were speaking at a panel on “Next Steps in Space: Launching America’s Sixth Military Branch”. In the panel Barrett said:
Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea… You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.
Rogers, a co-sponsor of the original House of Representatives Bill to create a Space Force/Corps, agreed and said that information about space programs was “overwhelmingly classified”.

Rogers elaborated further on the need to declassify the Air Force’s secret infrastructure in space in order to win public support for Space Force:
As members of the Armed Services Committee and the defense appropriators, we get it. But we have to have our other colleagues in the Congress to be supportive of us making the changes we need and the resources we need into this… It’s not going to happen until they understand the threat and the dependence we have. And I don’t think that can happen until we see significant declassification of what we’re doing in space and what China and Russia are doing, and how space is in their day-to-day lives.
Rogers’ comment that the US, China and Russia have secret space programs, and that the public needs to know more about these in order to support the creation of Space Force is stunning acknowledgment of the existence of rival military programs with space technologies far more advanced than the rocket-propelled technologies used by NASA and other national space programs.

This echoes comments by a recently retired USAF Lieutenant General Steven Kwast in a lecture where he described China developing a space navy:
They are building a navy in space with the equivalent of battleships and destroyers that will be able to maneuver and kill and communicate with dominance.
China’s future space navy will be able to decimate America’s satellite systems and space assets overnight.

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article Click Here

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