
Saturday, February 08, 2020

Alpha Solaris ⊙ The Birth Of A Galactic Society | First Contact Timeline (2017) (video)

Image from video

By Arbre Solaire

Alpha Solaris ⊙
The Birth Of A Galactic Society |
First Contact Timeline (2017)
This is a visionary work illustrating a possible timeline for First Contact. I've been inspired by this movie sequence from " Valerian " and here's my way to pay it tribute.

Time has come for Earth Humanity to aim for the stars, literally and figuratively. Initiatives like the Asgardia Project, space travels proposed by Virgin Galactic & Elon musk's various initiatives are sending a clear message to our star neighbors :

" We Are Ready For More ! "

This world needs more visionaries - people who dream big, vizualise and work tirelessly on their vision of the future ! Inventivity is no threat for Science. Both fields must go hand in hand. I always thought an advanced version of the ISS ( International Space Station ) could propel our civilization into a new era and that's the vision I'm sharing with you today.

Alpha Solaris ⊙ The Birth Of A Galactic Society | First Contact Timeline (2017) from Arbre Solaire on Vimeo.

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