
Thursday, March 05, 2020

Musk proposal of Reusable Rockets for Space Force ignores Electromagnetic Propulsion

By Dr. Michael Salla

Musk proposal of Reusable Rockets
for Space Force ignores
Electromagnetic Propulsion

On February 27, at the US Air Force Association’s “Air Warfare Symposium”, Space X founder Elon Musk posed the question, “How do we make Starfleet real?” and he proposed reusable rockets as “absolutely fundamental” for the newly created Space Force.

Musk’s aggressive lobbying of reusable rocket propulsion technologies for future space exploration ignores increasing evidence that electromagnetic propulsion systems are not only scientifically feasible, but have been developed for classified spacecraft, many of which have been predicted to be soon transferred to Space Force.

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with links, images and video Click Here

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