
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

BOOM! President Trump is Taking Hydroxychloroquine to Prevent COVID-19

by Sierra (NZ)

President Trump is Taking
Hydroxychloroquine to Prevent COVID-19

What a stunning revelation - President Trump is taking Hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19.

Cue heart seizures all around for the corrupt MSM. Love it!

Karli Q tweeted a video of the press conference where President Trump talks about taking HCQ for 'a couple of weeks'...

Scroll down Cowboyw2B's Twitter feed for a tweet about the Q clock...

'Qincidence...Today POTUS said he has been taking Hydroxychloroquine. Q drops says, "The 'CURE' will spread WW" and lines up with TODAY on the Q clock. BOOM.'

Jordan Sather's tweet...

'Using a pharmaceutical to expose Big Pharma. HAH the irony. DO IT HCQ!'

Julian's Rum tweet...

'Fact: HCQ prevents COVID. Fact: HCQ cures COVID. Fact: Trump takes HCQ.'

You cannot argue with those facts. President Trump allowed Fauci and his fellow Deep Staters to widely discredit HCQ whilst pushing for mandatory vaccinations. POTUS knew ALL ALONG that HCQ would kill the vaccine narrative. But he waited...and waited...until the Deep State were thoroughly done with discrediting THEMSELVES.

Then - he POUNCED.

It wasn't ever about the virus for the Deep State. It was ALWAYS about preventing President Trump getting re-elected. Q said that the election is safe. So it's yet another spectacular failure for the satanists.

Check out M3thods tweet...

'The Dems and their MSM goons don't want you to know that HCQ also cures the need for mail-in ballots.'

Finally, here is some light relief. This short video does a wonderful send-up of Joe Biden...

Why stop there? Let's have a send-up of Nancy Pelosi too. Enjoy!

Elon Musk tweeted about 'taking the red pill'. Ivanka Trump responded with 'Already taken!'

It's a great time to be alive, dear friends.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


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