
Friday, May 29, 2020

Q: @Jack, You were Warned

Q: @Jack, You were Warned
by Sierra (NZ)

President Trump has issued an Executive Order that removes liability shields from social media platforms. It opens them up to mass class actions in response to their sustained censorship attack against Alliance supporters...

Q warned Jack Dorsey from Twitter in this new Q drop number 4346...

You were warned.'

There have been multiple Q drops in the past about Jack Dorsey and Twitter. It's true - he WAS warned. Scroll down CJTruth's Twitter feed to read the relevant Q drops...

Ryan Fournier tweet...

'President Trump has just categorized Twitter as a publisher, removing their legal immunities. THIS IS HUGE. Twitter can now be held accountable for censoring Conservative voices. THANK YOU, President Trump.'

Light Warriors on Twitter, Face Book and You Tube have experienced intense on-going attacks ever since Q's first drop in October 2017. People like Jordan Sather were regularly banned. JoeM was permanently removed from Twitter several months ago. President Trump's EO has paved the way to full VICTORY of the LIGHT (information is Light).

Thank you, President Trump and the Alliance!

Meanwhile the battle continues on other fronts. Check out this tweet by Patriotic Mama...

'Do you see a pattern in viral videos these last few days? White cop kills black man, black man beats elderly white man, white woman calls cops on man in park, saying an African American man is threatening her life (not true). Wake up! They are creating a race war.'

Joe Biden opened the door to this racial war with his recent racial comments. The Deep State is desperately fighting from their tight spot in the corner, all ammo nearly expended. They want us divided. It won't work.


And there is the mass murder of elderly people in rest homes in states such as NYC, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.

Q drop number 4342 features a link to a letter regarding the on-going admittance of positive COVID-19 patients into rest homes in Pennsylvania. Please read the letter - it's all there. Here is the link...

The text below the link in the Q drop...

'At what point should this be reclassified as murder? At what point is ignorance [common sense] no longer valid [excuse]? Evil surrounds us.' Q

NYC Governor Cuomo is a mass murderer of elderly in rest homes. Cuomo tweeted today...

'Today I am signing an Executive Order authorizing businesses to deny entry to those who do not wear masks or face-coverings. No mask - no entry.'

This EO makes absolutely NO SENSE. COVID-19 is dissipating world wide.

DefineProjection's tweet in response to this EO says it all...

'In the Land of the Free, citizens will be denied access to food unless they wear a garment that clearly states on the box does NOT protect against COVID-19 and that reduces oxygen circulation to harmful levels. I can't believe this is happening...'

This GodWins tweet sums up the madness that is currently taking place during the Alliance war against the Deep State...

'Don't let the media distract you from the fact....

  • Obama is a traitor
  • Biden is a racist
  • Faucet is a bio-terrorist
  • NYC, NJ, PA and MI Governors are murderers
  • Mail-in ballots are used to cheat
  • Hydroxchloroquine cures COVID
  • Planned Parenthood was selling baby parts
  • Epstein didn't kill himself'

  • The amount of intel flooding social media every day now is overwhelming. Each post I write could easily be three times longer. I choose stories that I find interesting, and that I hope add to the overall Light/information narrative.

    Where We Go One We Go All.

    Love and Light
    Sierra (NZ)


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