
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Will General Flynn Exoneration Impact UFO/SSP Disclosure?


By Dr. Michael Salla

Will General Flynn Exoneration Impact
UFO/SSP Disclosure?

The dropping of all charges against Lt Gen Michael Flynn brings to an end a lengthy legal battle stemming from the Russian Collusion investigation of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and his subsequent administration. While there are certain to be powerful legal consequences for the perjury trap launched by senior FBI officials against Flynn, who had just begun his short stint as Trump’s National Security Advisor, what remains to be answered is why was Flynn targeted? Did it have anything to do with Flynn’s knowledge of UFOs, secret space programs and his new position where he could legally gain access to and disclose such information to Trump, who in turn would be able to disclose it to the general public?

It’s important to emphasize that as a former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) from July 2012 to August 2014, Flynn would have been briefed on an extensive number of Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) run by or involving the DIA. Perhaps even more significantly, he would have learned about those USAP’s which the DIA Director and his Deputy had been denied access.

USAPs he would have been briefed about included a secret space program run by the US Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office with the help of the National Security Agency and the DIA. The collaboration of these different Department of Defense entities in USAP’s involving space is discussed in my USAF Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force (2019).

Additional USAPs run by major aerospace companies involving reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial technologies would have been of much interest to the DIA Director, despite lacking formal oversight responsibilities, as I will shortly show.

One of Flynn’s responsibilities as DIA Director was to coordinate the gathering and analysis of intelligence data concerning the space capabilities of potential US military rivals. This included China which Flynn had extensively investigated as part of his intelligence portfolio during his military career.

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article Click Here

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