
Friday, June 12, 2020

Von Braun’s False Flag Alien Invasion – a genuine warning or Fourth Reich deception?


By Dr. Michael Salla

Von Braun’s False Flag Alien Invasion –
A genuine warning or Fourth Reich deception?

From 1974 – 1977, Werner Von Braun began privately telling Carol Rosin, a colleague at a major aerospace company Fairchild Industries, about a sequence of contrived global false flag “cards” such as asteroid impacts and extraterrestrial invasion, which would lead to the militarization of space and usher in a New World Order. Now more than 40 years later, the sequence predicted by Von Braun appears to be on the verge of playing out as mainstream media increasingly speculate about asteroid strikes and an alien invasion in what many believe are cases of predictive programming.

Given Von Braun’s background as a former Nazi and the existence of a breakaway Nazi colony in South America and Antarctica in the post-World War II era seeking to establish a Fourth Reich, a key question is whether Von Braun’s warning was genuine or whether it was part of a deception by the Fourth Reich.

In answering such a question, it’s important to understand why Von Braun went to work with Fairchild Industries, where he learned about the planned sequence of false flag cards being discussed at boardroom meetings as described by Rosin in Part 1 of this series.

After NASA made the decision to end the Apollo Program, Von Braun decided to retire on May 26, 1972, six months before the launch of Apollo 17, the last moon landing mission. He had been the Director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (1960-1972), where he led the largely German engineering teams designing the Saturn V rockets that would power the Apollo Program.

For the rest of Dr. Salls's article Click Here

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