
Monday, December 28, 2020

Did Nikola Tesla Create The Original Direct Energy Weapon? (video)

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Did Nikola Tesla Create
The Original Direct Energy Weapon?

Nikola Tesla Secret Weapons - Myth or reality?

The man of the 20th century. Many might still not know who he was, but his name surely rings a bell, and they are certainly familiar with his incredible inventions.

Nikola Tesla is the man who had lit the previous century and bridged the gap leading into the next. With over 900 patents approved across his lifetime, we owe him everything from led lights, Alternating Current, Tesla Turbine, Tesla Coil, Radio And Remote Control, The Magnifying Transmitter, Neon Lamp, X-rays, Adams Power Plant Transformer House, Induction Motor, Electric Cars, Robotics, Laser, Wireless Communications and Limitless Free Energy, Artificial Tidal Wave to Electric-Powered Supersonic Airship or Death Beam and many, many other patents.

And these are all inventions on the surface, inventions that humans at that stage of evolution could grasp and understand. However, few people know that Nikola Tesla had tapped into a source of unlimited energy, and was on the verge of handing the people of this planet a gift of free energy, until the powers that be had stopped him in his tracks.

The most important thing Tesla required in order to accomplish his plan was funding. He was an inventor, not a businessman, so during his lifetime, he came across various hurdles that would hinder his progress towards the future he envisioned for humanity. Even so, Tesla pursued his dreams until his final hour. Not only he wished to give free, wireless energy to the world, he also wanted to establish long-lasting peace on earth.

For this goal alone, he designed the perfect plan: he would engineer a weapon so powerful that its energy bursts would “bring down a fleet of 10,000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 200 miles from a defending nation’s border and will cause armies to drop dead in their tracks.” By constructing this tremendously powerful apparatus and distributing it to all leading nations, he would ensure that war would not make sense anymore since everyone would have an impenetrable offensive and defensive force.

Tesla thought that by selling his invention to the world’s superpowers, he would receive the funding required to carry on with his ultimate experiment of generating unlimited energy. He initially reached out to J.P. Morgan Jr. by sending him a letter on November 29, 1934, at a time when war clouds were once again forming above Europe.
“I have made recent discoveries of inestimable value…The flying machine has completely demoralized the world, so much that in some cities, like London and Paris, people are in mortal fear from aerial bombing. The new means I have perfected afford absolute protection against this and other forms of attack.”
Nonetheless, Morgan was unconvinced of Tesla’s idea.

YouTube link:

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