
Sunday, February 07, 2021

Corey Goode - Planetary Intervention: Special Forces - Nordic Delegations, UFO Crash Retrievals and Alien Firefights (video)

Image from video

Corey Goode SphereBeing Alliance -
Planetary Intervention:
Special Forces - Nordic Delegations,
UFO Crash Retrievals and Alien Firefights

An insider ('Daniel') from a secret Government Group called 'Earth Force' shared his experiences with Fabio Santos. According to this insider, Specialized Elite Earth Forces provide perimeter support for Nordic ET meetings with Earth Officials, Battle Reptillian and Grey Aliens over Crashed UFOs, and the long history of Reptillians coming to the surface of the planet to hunt and kill Humans and how we started fighting back. Dr. Salla and Fabio Santo's discuss a new insider that claims all of these experiences and more. More of 'Daniel's' experiences are in the book - Planetary Intervention.

YouTube link:

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