
Monday, February 15, 2021

Digging Deeper With Mel K and Charlie Ward

Image from video

Digging Deeper With Mel K and Charlie Ward

Minute 18:21
Charlie: QFS (Quantum Financial System) - All funds now downloaded onto system and ready to flip the switch, once the QFS has been swithed on Med Beds will become immediately available, there are three different types of Med Beds, First one is for rebuilding limbs, Second one is for upgrading your DNA making you smarter etc, the third one is for to cure diseases and can make you 20 to 30 years younger!!!.....

Bitchute link:

The Greatest Technology Shift on Planet Earth of all Time;
is Now on the Way!


  1. will the criminals be gone from our site forever? no more doubles, clones or whatever, so sick of their faces. i have a 46 yr old son who needs a Med Bed desperately, just diagnosed with bladder cancer, post 3 testicular cancers, and today a gangrene of leg, I read gas pockets = which I know means ultimate death, sepsis, septic shock. Diabetes and cancer bad combo. He is in God's hands I know, i pray for him, he has lost his faith. Thank you both for always keeping us informed and hopeful. Just want our President again, but then half will not. I do not see how we avoid internal strife. much love Glenna

  2. Dearest Glenna,
    So sorry to hear of your Son's cancer. The Med Bed's will be available as soon as the go is given, unfortunately no one knows when apart from those who are doing it. Please keep watching Charlie Ward, he will let everyone know when it is time!.

    In the mean time i will be praying for you and your son, please hold the faith and pray also. God bless you both.
    With Love and Light
