
Friday, March 19, 2021

Gene Decode and Michael Jaco: The War for the Solar System is in God’s Hands

Gene Decode and Michael Jaco:
The War for the Solar System is in God’s Hands,
Part One by Kat - 3.19.21

Enclose a riveting Gene Decode and Michael K. Jaco video chat recorded on St. Patrick’s Day, 3-17-21.

Once again, Juan O Savin and Gene Decode are echoing each other practically verbatim. These two U.S. Navy men are reading the situation we’re in at the moment almost exactly the same.

Juan O Savin is privy to deeper INTEL as he is inside the “walls of power” as Charlie Ward likes to say. Now that we know Juan O Savin ISN’T JFK, I’m convinced he’s one of the Q’s. He’s prodigiously brilliant and dialed in with precise Q language, but more shall be revealed.

Gene Decode on the other hand, is a U.S. Navy veteran decoder and can look at ANYTHING, look at masses of information that would bewilder and discourage any normal person and find the path through it, glean the truth from it. It’s thrilling to listen to these two, especially when their words are practically exactly the same.

Juan O Savin has said ever since I started listening to him that “This is MUCH MUCH MUCH BIGGER than you can imagine… this is for the whole planet.”

Gene Decode, in this transcript said,“This is a war for Creation… Humanity… Milky Way… Solar System… this is THE war… if we don’t prevail here, we’re done.”

But do not despair because in this transcription Gene also says the ca_bal are done for.

In this Part One transcription, Gene Decode shows where many of the D.U.M.B.s are being taken out and how Antarctica is the final showdown and that we’re nearly there.

Gene Decode breaks down the DUMB situation and isolation of Antarctica before the final assault. 3-17-21 with Michael K. Jaco

Gene Decode Blessed2Teach:

Michael Jaco, bio: “Combat Veteran Navy SEAL with 24 years of experience with several SEAL Teams including SEAL Team-6. Master Training specialist designing many courses including the SEAL Team's first Hand to Hand Fighting Course. CIA security officer with 11 years in Combat Zones including Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan and Libya.”

Partially transcribed by Kat

0:44 Michael Jaco: There seems to be a delay in taking down this de*ep state, I don’t know what that’s all about.

0:52 Gene Decode: Yeah, so, you know, on that… based on the video clip that was played from Gene Unleashed on Backstage… about the seriousness of this war… that was an introductory to a decode I did on some non-terrestrial situations [not of this Earth] that are involved here…

1:13 This war is not like WW 1 or 2
This is a war for Creation
This is a war for all of Humanity everywhere
This is a war for the Milky Way
Our Solar System
This is a war for it ALL
This is THE WAR
The beginning of the war between Dark and Light
If we do not prevail here
We’re done…

1:33 There’s nowhere where you’re gonna run and hide and stick your head in a hole in the ground… you can’t…

1:38 Their plans, Plan B that they’re on now… is to go in their D.U.M.B.s, take 500 million Chinese… they have realized through the History of Humanity they’re the only group that won’t rebel against slavery… every other group does…

1:52 They will take them, go underground in their D.U.M.B.s… they still have enough left although most of the DUMBs in the U.S. are cleaned out… the Alliance has cleaned them out all over the place…

2:02 The situation’s such they still have enough they could ERADICATE ALL LIFE ON EARTH… and proceed outward through the galaxy once they’re done… and then on through Creation…

2:12 So this is as serious as it gets… I understand that and everybody needs to understand that… we stand together back to back with our weapons pointed at the ca_bal and not each other… go and take it to the ca_bal and not each other… that’s what they want…

2:34 It’s serious… you’re not gonna run and hide or whatever… if you’re going to join the other team? You’re not of them… even if you think you are, you’re not… even if you’re non-Terrestrial and you think you’re up there, you’re not… you’re a tool and the upper above you is gonna take YOU out when they’re done…

2:48 Just like Native American trackers that track down other tribes and they took them out when they didn’t need them… same for those who thought they were “elite” they got taken out too… that’s the way the ca_bal works all the way up the chain to the top…

3:05 You’re just food when they’re done with you… they don’t need you, then you’re done…

3:10 I do know there’s a Flag Officer situation where they’re debating when and where and how… I would suggest that debate needs to come to a realization that in a war between Dark and Light that we’re involved in… that has a 5D Chess game where you have moves and countermoves…

3:35 And at the point we’re at now… there’s a thousand variables, and a thousand different scenarios, and a thousand different playouts from every scenario that a super genius, stable genius like Trump could hold 500 of em of those thousand in his mind… or some trained combat veteran like Michael [Jaco] could hold 500 in battle in his mind… a Quantum Computer could hold 750…

4:03 But only God can hold all thousand variables… so at some point, you’ve got to make a decision, you’ve got to come to a decision and realize that you proceed, you do your prayers, and you put it in God’s hands and you proceed…

4:17 And we’ll have the Red Sea moment… and we’ll go out into the Red Sea and we’ll see Pharaoh’s troops coming after us and we get out and it’ll close over ‘em…

For the rest of this transcription:

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