
Saturday, March 13, 2021

Neil Keenan Update | Bankers Beware: The First Of Many Salvos


Neil Keenan Update |
Bankers Beware:
The First Of Many Salvos

Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.

For a long twelve years we have had our local favorite Neil Keenan chasing animals back into the forests, later to see them reincarnate themselves into nasty human beings.

[Images, links and further details have been added to the source material.]

Oh but how their stench exposes them.

Some refer to these things as lizards, possessed by entities via dark rituals, shape shifters or God knows what. Certainly we have never heard them termed as caring or loving. Their very survival depends upon the destruction of society as we know it.

90% of our very own are to be exterminated as detailed in their own historical statements. They are not afraid to tell you such things as they apparently believe that they hold weapons that can eliminate our very being.

What they do not hold (and are mighty scared of) are our numbers:

We The People.

The Billions of people on this planet that ‘they’ (the Cabal) will have to contend with once most of the people wake up, which is now happening on an exponential scale.

‘They’ are currently running New Zealand, Iceland , Antarctica, while at the same time making end-arounds on Indonesia, Finland, Australia and others.

They must be stopped. They were brought to their knees in the US by a few good men and their will and desire to save their people; President Donald Trump, Neil Keenan etcetera. The results of this are yet to be publicly revealed, however there are hints that are being found by the astute.

You know who Neil Keenan is but not many others do.

However, ask French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy who took the life out of him and his stolen election against Marine Le Pen and you will hear Neil’s name whispered.
For the rest of Neil Keenan's article:

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