
Saturday, May 01, 2021

Is Mars in the midst of a Planetary Liberation War?

Image from video

Is Mars in the midst of a Planetary Liberation War?

On April 30, Elena Danaan, a former professional archeologist whose claims of contact with extraterrestrials from the Galactic Federation of Worlds have gained widespread attention, delivered a bombshell report about an ongoing series of military raids on Mars that aim to destroy the bases of a rival extraterrestrial alliance: the Draconian Empire and the Orion Collective. These extraterrestrial bases were created to suppress the indigenous Mars population; manage the operations of human colonists associated with a German breakaway group called the Dark Fleet (aka Nacht Waffen); and oversee major Earth corporations that have relocated to Mars.

According to Elena, the Galactic Federation has begun helping liberate Mars from the influence of the Draconians and Orions by supporting indigenous Martians with supplies, weapons, and tactical information. The Federation has also been assisting a local resistance movement that exists in the human colonies that have been established on Mars.

While providing logistical and tactical support to local resistance forces, the Galactic Federation has been using its advanced technologies to incapacitate Reptilian and Orion extraterrestrials, thereby enabling the Martian resistance to strike against their extraterrestrial overlords and human minions.

For the rest of this article:

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