
Thursday, July 01, 2021

Eye Opening Disclosures and Communication with Val Thor - Elena Danaan and Laura Eisenhower

Eye Opening Disclosures and Communication
with Val Thor - Elena Danaan and Laura Eisenhower

Elena Danaan,
This is a repost from December 15/2020, as Laura's channel was terminated by the dark ones. Thanks to some people who saved this video, I am able to repost it on my channel. In this historical encounter, that went around the web and the world, I confirm to Laura what she always knew deep in her heart, about her great grandfather Dwight. Emotions...
---You can now follow Laura Eisenhower on her own amazing platform:
Laura was hit very hard financially, as they even terminated her Patreon. Subscribing to Conscious Vitality is giving her a bit of support for all the work she does for Humanity.

YouTube link:

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