
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Atlantis and Lemuria


Atlantis and Lemuria

After the fall of Hybornea, the first civilisation on Earth, it took a long time for a follow-up to appear. This was partly because the planet had become inhabitable for a long period of time due to the nuclear war and natural disasters that had meant the end of Hybornea, approximately 8 million years ago, and partly because there was much sadness among the Galactic Federation, the collaboration of peaceful planets in our Milky Way, who were much better developed than we are now even back then. Because Hybornea was to have been a perfect example of a harmonious society with various ancient races who, in other places in the universe, were each other's enemies. That all this ended in a war after all was very disappointing to the Federation, which strives for unity.

But time passed, Earth restored itself and eventually a sort of water primate which appeared to be sufficiently promising to live on our planet was found on a planet in the Vega star system. This wasn't a matter of catching a few of these apes and setting them loose here; this takes due care. An endless preparation is needed with much consultation between experts of various disciplines, as in a complicated laboratory experiment. A plan had to be made for what this creature should ultimately become and where society was ideally headed. It is said the crystal skulls played a part in this. These were spread all over the world and served as a blueprint for the consciousness of the developing new human.

This creation process is too complicated to discuss on this website, because higher spiritual aspects and terms such as 'root races' were involved too (the development of primitive to fully conscious human being in steps of ten thousands of years). Let's just say that the first creatures that were introduced to an island group in the Pacific Ocean and were guided there, now approximately 900,000 years ago, did not look like the current human in the slightest. This island group was called Lemuria, or simply Mu.

"Long ago, we of the Galactic Federation colonized this planet and brought forth what you mainly call Lemuria. In this magical land we flourished, both on and below the surface. This high culture watched over the sacred essence of Mother Earth and her most diverse ecosystems." - The Sirians, channeled by Sheldan Nidle, 3 July 2012

Just as with Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean and Kumari Kandam in the Indian Ocean there was much more land above water back then than there is now, because the South Pole was located above the ocean and not above land, as has been the case since the turning of the Earth's axis. After much polar ice melted and disasters hit both continents, only the highest parts are still located above water. For Atlantis there are the current Azores and Caribbean, for Lemuria there are islands such as Hawaii and Oceania (1)

The next phase

Despite the necessary natural disasters, the new human developed itself successfully, and around 210,000 BC a new chapter could be added to the story: Atlantis.

As has been mentioned, Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 1,500 km from the coasts of Europe and Africa. It was like a paradise there, with a temperature of approximately 25 degrees throughout the year. The ground contained many volcanoes and was therefore very fertile. Atlantis reached the highest development level that has ever existed on Earth. Much higher than us now, both spiritually and technologically. People lived as one with nature and with creatures from higher realms and other planets. Atlantis and Lemuria were even members of the Galactic Federation.

The airspace was controlled with all kinds of aeroplanes, which are discussed in the oral traditions and old Sanskrit texts of peoples across the world, such as the Hopi and other Native American tribes, the Irish, the Celts and the Indians. People also built submarines and computers, there was free energy from sunlight and quartz crystals, and there was a type of television system. Only natural material was used and everything that was no longer needed, such as waste, was recycled or dematerialised. Throughout the year there were many celebrations and ceremonies, such as the solstices, to celebrate the love and unity with each other and with Mother Earth.
During the past few decades, various diving expeditions in the Caribbean have found odd structures under water (2). For example, near the Bahamian island Bimini, megalithic walls and roads of hundreds of metres long were found, among other things. The roads were laid on a carefully constructed foundation, and could therefore definitely not have originated naturally. Contours of pyramids could be seen too (3). Sonar images and photos were taken. However, when they tried to share their discovery with the world, science and the media were barely interested and they were even actively sabotaged by the authorities to undertake follow-up expeditions.

According to the medium Edgar Cayce, Bimini (photo below) used to be a mountain top that was part of one of the three large islands of Atlantis, named Poseidia. Back then the water was more than a hundred metres lower than today (4)
The beginning of the end...

For the rest of this interesting article:

Hollow Earth - Our Inner Earth Neighbors

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