
Friday, September 10, 2021

Galactic Federation is helping humanity build a Starfleet for Planetary Defense


Galactic Federation is helping
humanity build a Starfleet for
Planetary Defense

According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Earth is undergoing a major power shift with the exodus of the Dark Fleet and their Draco Reptilian and Orion allies from our solar system. In his latest communication, relayed through one of his contactees, Megan Rose, we learn more about the status of unfolding events on Earth and our solar system, especially concerning the construction of huge motherships in Earth orbit that will serve as international outposts, and the development of a Starfleet for planetary defense.

In a previous article, I explained why I believe Megan’s communications closely align with another contactee, Elena Danaan, who has also met and knows Val Nek. One of the criteria I use to assess the validity of information from new sources such as Megan is if something is happening in real life that independently confirms what is being said. In the case of this latest intel, I was in the midst of communicating with JP, one of my long-time sources (since 2008) who is currently serving with the US Army, and wishes to remain anonymous.

His information, which I will soon present, corroborated what Val Nek was saying to a surprising degree. Consequently, I pass on the following information with high confidence that it is credible and worth evaluating for gaining a big picture overview of current events in our solar system.

On the morning of September 7, this was the message Megan (M) received from Val Nek (VN).
VN: Mars has been liberated. The Ciakahrr empire, the dark fleet, have fled Mars completely. They are now trying to flee to other star systems, like Sirius A, and form alliances to attack the federation and planet Terra. This is the need for ongoing security and training personnel from the Terran military, along with building a space fleet equipped to handle an attack. On Mars, most of their dark portals have been completely closed, with the exception of a few, which the Federation is working on. Their main portal to their headquarters, Aldebaran, has been closed completely. This is a huge victory for the Federation, as it is impossible for them to re-enter and re-infiltrate their precious outpost on Mars.

As you know, I have been working with US military officials to train and implement a fleet to protect and defend Terra. I want to reiterate that we have implemented technology to protect planet Terra. The star fleet, as you call it, is designed with higher density technology, making many of the new ships undetectable to the enemy. The enemy is unable to track or locate these ships due to the higher frequency. The ships have the capability to materialize and dematerialize in a lower density when necessary. This technology was given to the Terrans and must be built/produced by Terrans as to be in accordance with the laws of the Federation.
This is where the information of my anonymous source, JP, becomes relevant. Synchronistically, on the morning of September 7, he was telling me that he and select US Army colleagues were participating in multiple missions to the Moon on advanced shuttle craft using Nordic extraterrestrial technologies that had been shared with the US military and built on Earth.

In a previous article, I explained an incident where JP met with one of these Nordics working with the US military, and took a photo of the spacecraft. JP said that while his Army colleagues were having their memories wiped, he remembered everything about the Moon missions.

He described the shuttlecraft as very similar to a Nordic spacecraft that he had witnessed in Brazil in 2008, soon after which we began communications. I have documentation proving JP is currently serving with the US Army and has completed special forces training (necessary for covert space missions) along with the training required for his Military Occupation Specialty (MOS 91J) as a quartermaster and chemical repairer.

JP described the Moon shuttlecraft as fully autonomous vehicles that were a combination of human and extraterrestrial technology being remotely controlled from the Moon and Earth depending on where the craft was transiting. The principle is similar to an airport shuttle, but in this case, the craft was shuttling military personnel very quickly forth and back to the Moon for defense and construction projects.

Here are extracts from my Skype conversation with JP:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

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