
Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Has US Space Command received advanced tech from Galactic Federation?


By Dr. Michael Salla

Has US Space Command received
advanced tech from Galactic

The Galactic Federation of Worlds is sharing advanced technologies with the US Space Command to prevent future infiltration by hostile extraterrestrials according to the latest update by one of two known ‘contactees’ working with the Federation. On August 29, I got an update from Megan Rose regarding a communication she had just received from her primary Galactic Federation source, Val Nek. The information is very significant given real-time events concerning outer space and the creation of new satellite systems.

In my August 27 interview with Megan, she described the history of her contact experiences with the Galactic Federation, and how Val Nek, a spacecraft pilot, rescued her from two negative alien abduction incidents at ages five and nine. He has subsequently been monitoring Megan.

It was in 2019 that her memories of the childhood incidents were fully restored, and she received a physical implant through which she can telepathically communicate with Val Nek who now is in a senior leadership position with the Federation.

Megan’s experiences and communications with the Galactic Federation corroborate another contactee, Elena Danaan who had earlier met Val Nek aboard one of the spacecraft that she was taken to in 1987 when she was an archeology student in France. In her book, A Gift From the Stars, Elena described meeting Val Nek after she was invited to sit in the pilot’s chair by her primary contact, Thor Han:
The co-pilot beside me had slightly different features than the rest of the crew. Although he also had blonde hair, it was scarcer and short. His face was more elongated and he had a prominent chin. His eyes were also different: more slender and indigo, nearly black. He had a thin and hooked nose. His name was “Valnek” and I would learn later that he is originally from Epsilon Eridani and Thor Han’s best friend (p. 29).
When Megan began communicating with Elena more than three decades later, she sent information about Val Nek that was not in Elena’s book or publicly available, and the information was subsequently confirmed by Thor Han.

So in the case of Megan and Elena we have two individuals with separate abduction experiences taking place in different continents and decades apart, confirming that they had been rescued by the crew of the same Galactic Federation spacecraft. Both Megan and Elena’s information are complimentary and consistent, which is not surprising given the close relationship between their primary extraterrestrial contacts, Val Nek and Thor Han, who have performed many missions together.

According to Megan and Elena, Val Nek and Thor Han have spent decades rescuing children from extraterrestrial abductions performed by Grays (Nebu/Orion Alliance) and Reptilians (Draco Empire).

There is a long history of child abductions by extraterrestrials that were first exposed by Alex Collier in the 1990s. Alex is a very credible source who has paid a heavy personal price for his bravery in coming forward with such disturbing information three decades ago, which is finally receiving more attention today.

In assessing Megan and Elena’s information, what needs to be kept in mind is that both are receiving and sharing real-time intelligence data. This is not information that will appear in the mainstream media, nor are government or corporate officials likely to reveal it anytime soon.

Nevertheless, the Galactic Federation has chosen Elena and Megan to be conduits for the general public learning the truth in this time of our global awakening as a galactic civilization. The Federation is very careful not to be too specific with what is revealed in terms of personnel, operations, and organizations in order to protect Elena and Megan from possible retaliation.

It’s left up to others to analyze updates to make educated guesses about personnel and other specifics in order to make headway with what is secretly happening on Earth and around our solar system.

So now we are ready to examine the update from Val Nek that I received from Megan [M] on August 29:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

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