
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Earth Alliance Mission to Ganymede to greet ET visitors and inaugurate a Star Trek Future


Earth Alliance Mission to Ganymede
to greet ET visitors and inaugurate a
Star Trek Future

A fleet of spacecraft from a highly evolved group of friendly extraterrestrial visitors has arrived in our solar system and established a presence on Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, according to three independent sources familiar with unfolding events in deep space. This latest intel coincides with William Shatner, globally revered for his role as Captain Kirk in the Star Trek franchise, being launched into space on October 13, a likely cover for him playing a significant role in unfolding events on Ganymede.

My first source, JP, who currently serves with the US Army, revealed to me that an international space coalition has been secretly sending personnel and ships to Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, to meet with a powerful new group of extraterrestrial visitors regarded as friendly.

My second source on what is currently happening on Ganymede is the extraterrestrial contactee Elena Danaan, who has passed on the most recent intel from her Galactic Federation source, Thor Han Eredyon, about the visitors who are establishing an outpost on Ganymede to coordinate with the Earth Alliance until humanity is ready for open contact.

My third source is long-time Andromedan contactee Alex Collier who confirmed that there has been much recent activity on Ganymede, which possesses a number of large extraterrestrial facilities that have been present there for thousands of years.

I begin with intel from my long-time source JP who I’ve known since 2008, which was when he first contacted me about his extraterrestrial contact experiences in Brazil. JP revealed back on September 7 that he and other US military personnel had been assigned to covert Moon operations and began assembling large facilities there with the assistance of human looking extraterrestrials working with US Space Command.

In an earlier article, I discussed what JP had revealed about US military operations on the Moon that corroborated information being released by another contactee, Megan Rose, and her source, Val Nek, about the Galactic Federation building a new base on the Moon. The new moonbase would use secure technologies to prevent infiltration by hostile extraterrestrials from the Draconian Empire and Orion Alliance.

On September 21, JP first informed me about a large space convoy leaving the Moon and heading towards Ganymede to meet with an incoming group of friendly extraterrestrials. He told me:
Also, something good is happening. They’re moving some technology from the moon to Ganymede. Among the soldiers everybody talking. Major space convoy… Sometime this week or next week the convoy leaves. Don’t know the exact hit time. Earth satellite to Jupiter’s satellite.
The large space convoy would not be using rocket-propelled technologies to get to Ganymede, which would take more than a year. The space convoy would take a fraction of that time using antigravity, torsion field, and other exotic propulsion systems. JP let me know the route the Earth Alliance convoy would take:
To the Moon, then Ganymede.. But in between the Moon and Jupiter’s satellite there’s gonna be major stops like in Mars and in the astro belt.. Before reaching Jupiter’s gravitational pull.
On September 27, JP asked me: “From your sources you know anything about going to Ganymede. The soldiers are still talking about it…”

I replied: “My Federation sources are not talking about Ganymede. Tell me what the soldiers are saying.” JP continued:
“That they’re moving some advance technology from the moon to the biggest moon in our Solar System … And when I heard you talk about the Jupiter meetings.. I really got interested. It’s a moon that has a magnetic field and has a lot of water… There’s massive facilities there already. We are just transporting a shit Load of stuff…. There’s massive structures there massive … I remember them saying that there was a massive war there [Ganymede] a couple 1000 years ago…. All I know is an armada is heading over there… BIG Big ships
I have covered the Jupiter Meetings first revealed by Thor Han through Elena Danaan and later corroborated by Val Nek through Megan Rose in an interview. One of the pieces of corroborating data that I referred to was the announcement by NASA that the launch vehicle for the Clipper Mission to Europa, Ganymede’s sister moon, had been awarded to SpaceX. I speculated that this was the cover for Musk to attend the Jupiter Meetings. His attendance, along with that of Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson, was later confirmed by Val Nek.

With this new intel from JP, it becomes clearer that the NASA Europa Clipper mission is a cover for a much larger space operation, an Earth Alliance convoy to travel to Ganymede to set up facilities to meet and interact with an incoming group of extraterrestrial visitors.

JP next had an encounter with a human-looking extraterrestrial who told him to prepare for being part of one of the upcoming military missions to Ganymede to meet with an incoming group of visitors. This did not come as a surprise to me since JP’s recruitment into the US Army was facilitated by US special forces personnel who had several years earlier helped him take photographs of antigravity spacecraft flying near MacDill Air Force Base in order to promote disclosure. I analyzed JP’s photos in a series of articles, including my latest book on the US Space Force.

On October 4, I asked Elena whether she knew anything about “something big … coming into our solar system”, she replied:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with links:

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