
Sunday, October 03, 2021

Have Tall Gray alien leaders just been captured by the Galactic Federation?


Have Tall Gray alien leaders just
been captured by the Galactic

On September 30, I received an update from Elena Danaan and her extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon, concerning a contingent of Tall Gray alien leaders from Orion who had just been captured by the Galactic Federation of Worlds. It was claimed that the Tall Grays were the same aliens that had in the 1950s reached an agreement with the Majestic 12 Group without President Eisenhower’s approval, and selling out humanity in the process. If accurate, the capture marked a major step forward in humanity taking back control of the solar system.

What follows is the update I received from Elena about the capture of the Orion Tall Grays:
[Elena] Thor Han connected to share with me telepathically where he was: in a dark room with other personnel of the Federation, looking at high transparent cylinders containing a blueish gel. Nine of them contained each a tall Grey in stasis. I could identify in the room High Commander Ardaana, the science commander Denethor, some Ummites, and other beings from different races. [Thor Han] – These are Eban, a very rare and exceptional catch, Thor Han said. ([Elena]I knew that the Eban are at the head of the Orion Nebu group and the ones responsible for the treaties with MJ12 and MIC). It is extremely difficult to catch them, he continued, as they play with frequency shifts, interdimensional jumps and temporal hide-and-seek games. And when we happen to catch one, it discorporates instantly. As you know, we found the frequency to lock all their portals in this star system. This is how we caught these ones, trying to escape via one of the portals near Saturn.
It’s important to emphasize here Thor Han’s intel that the Ebans are the leaders of the Orion Nebu, Tall Grays from the Orion constellation, and it was this group that met with and made agreements with the Eisenhower administration. These meetings and agreements with the Tall Grays were first discussed by William Cooper in his 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse. He wrote:
Later in 1954, the race of large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a Planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we called Betelgeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there
Elena later added that the captured Ebans come from Betelgeuse, matching what Cooper had earlier revealed. It’s also worth pointing out that the ability of the Tall Grays to transport themselves via “frequency shifts, interdimensional jumps and temporal hide-and-seek” explains the need for a frequency grid being created around the planet.

In a previous update from Val Nek (received from Megan Rose), it was described how new technologies were being provided to US Space Command to prevent the Tall Grays and other negative groups from using such sophisticated means to infiltrate Earth, and create havoc here.

Elena continued the update she received from Thor Han:
[Thor Han] It is a great catch for the Galactic Federation because for the first time, we are about to triangulate their brain frequency in an attempt to neutralize the frequency transmission from their queen-consciousness, and get to it. As you know, the Nebu function as a hive-consciousness; for the first time in the history of this galaxy, we are going to crack this code. They won’t stay here on this ship, they are about to be transported to a safer place.

[Elena] -Why are they kept in the dark?

[Thor Han]-They thrive on ultraviolet light. Our regular light harms them, we need to preserve them alive. All the Nebu try to leave this system. Many have already, hoping to gather forces and come back. Hence comes the need for deactivating their central consciousness. Once disconnected from it, they will be useless, neutralized.
This is a point that both Elena and Megan have made about the Draco Reptilians and Orion Grays now departing our solar system due to intervention by the Galactic Federation upholding their Prime Directive.

The Dracos and Grays have the intention of returning with new allies, and time was short for humanity/the Earth Alliance to prepare advanced planetary defense technologies and a powerful space fleet to protect the rest of the solar system.

In Thor Han’s update, I was intrigued by the parallels with the Borg as depicted in the Star Trek series and how brain frequencies were used for individual members to link with the collective. I asked Elena about it, and what follows is the Q and A between us:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with links and video:

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