
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Secret Underground War reaches its Final Countdown


Secret Underground War reaches its
Final Countdown

According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, we have entered the Final Countdown in an epic behind the scenes war taking place in remote underground facilities scattered throughout the US and the rest of the planet. His latest update, relayed through his contactee, Megan Rose, gives many details on coordinated military campaigns conducted by special forces belonging to an Earth Alliance working alongside their peers from the Galactic Federation aiming to remove the last remnants of a Deep State extraterrestrial alliance ensconced in multiple underground facilities.

On October 14, Megan relayed the following update from Val Nek [VN]:
VN: The end of the war is near. The Federation and the Earth Alliance have made ample preparation for the communications systems on Terra to be completely secure. The radio frequencies, which were hacked by the Orion greys, three letter agencies and the Dark Fleet, are now in the hands of the Earth Alliance. As I spoke previously, the Earth Alliance has been fighting alongside the Federation to take back the planet. The last part of this war, the final countdown, is the war underground. The war underground is one of the bloodiest and most horrific wars we have ever fought. I am sure that the Terran military can also say the same.
What Val Nek describes here is not unlike the final months of World War II when Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan fought to the bitter end. This served a dual purpose. To spite the Allied powers by destroying vital civilian infrastructure necessary for national rebuilding, and also to give time for personnel and resources to be diverted to underground bases in Antarctica and South America for the creation of a secret space program ‘Dark Fleet’ (aka ‘Nacht Waffen’) that was formally allied with the Draconian Empire.

Today we are witnessing similar ferocious battles this time taking place in the Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) in the US and elsewhere around the planet as the Earth Alliance moves against the Deep State and their Orion Gray allies, after succeeding in a similar cleanup effort in Antarctica as described in previous articles. Val Nek’s reference to a ‘Final Countdown’ indicates that time is short for the Deep State and its alien allies, as their strategic situation collapses in the underground war.

While the war’s outcome may be clear, it can be predicted that the Deep State, like the Nazis before them, is prolonging the war to destroy lives and infrastructure in an act of malice, while taking the opportunity to relocate whatever personnel and resources it can away from the battlefields to remaining ‘safe locations’ whether on Earth, our solar system, or elsewhere in the galaxy.

Val Nek continued his update by describing how Earth Alliance soldiers wounded in the ferocious underground battles are being healed:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with links and video:

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