
Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Lost Gospel of Q and QFS/RV Update

Image By Kat

Article By Kat

The Lost Gospel of Q -
QFS/RV Update and a Little Bit of Juan

Enclose a brief transcription from a marvelous Charlie Ward and Pryme Minister video. It contains for me, one of the most important pieces of the puzzle Charlie’s yet presented.

As well, there’s exciting news from Simon Parkes and Charlie re the QFS / RV.

20:01 Pryme Minister
I wanted to ask you about that too,
about the Quantum Financial System
& what can you share about that?

20:08 Charlie Ward
Things are really really really under control.
Really really under control.
I am under a Military NDA
but Simon Parkes is a very very good friend of mine
he sent a voice message to me,
yesterday [10-28-21]
about things that I’m not allowed to talk about but he is,
because I’m under a Military NDA.

20:40 Simon Parkes
“Hello Charlie… I’m doing your thing.
Here we go. This the report I got.
All currency test-runs done.
HSBC will lead the process.
[Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp.]
U.S. on full alert for the Redemption process.
Temple Texas—NOT Reno—sets it off.
DOD & Military is pushing everything out tomorrow.
Heavy roundup happening of remaining deep state cabal
as NESARA is fully installed.
United States Navy ready to go.
Gold-backed currency locked in.
Lots of it (_?) funded
Advanced healing technologies making its rounds.
Humanitarians worldwide will be funded.
…very good!”

21:32 Charlie Ward
Very very simply, what I can tell you is,
the Quantum Financial System was fully operational
in August 2020.
Well over a year ago.
And it’s been tested tested tested
to make sure there’s no infiltration from the dark side.
It was interfaced with STARLINK & Space Force
about 4 → 6 weeks ago
to allow it to be able to come into the current banking system
as we transition.
It will take a couple of years for us to transition fully
from one system to another
without causing too much damage.

22:17 The money will come off the Quantum System
through STARLINK
into what’s known as a Legacy Fund.
The Legacy Fund then pays out the paymasters,
the mega files
& the sovereigns.

22:36 So far there have been a couple that have already been paid & it has worked perfectly. But what they’re doing is they’re making sure that there is no contamination no theft of the money & no money is going ‘missing.’ And they’re not in any hurry.

23:00 There was supposed to be 25 transfers to mega files last week
it didn’t happen
because there were concerns about the algorithm
for detecting fraud.

23:17 They’re hoping that this week the algorithm is accurate
& picks up on anything that is not right
but they’re not in a hurry
they’re not in ANY hurry.
They’ll make sure they’ll get it right
& that there is no contamination.
What we don’t want to do is have contaminated money in the system.

24:00 Things are very very positive.
Now it’s time to sit back & know that
God won this.
Everything’s under control. This is pantomime. Don’t panic.

24:24 The wake-up process is to help wake up the rest.
For those who are awake
they’ll find it frustrating they want it done yesterday
they wanted it all done urgently.
But for those who KNOW WHY,
we’re going through this delay process.
It doesn’t bother me at all if it’s done this week, this month
or even this year.
If it’s done properly, even if it takes us into early next year,
it doesn’t bother me.
As long as we move into a New World
that is clean & clear of all this rubbish
then I’m happy.
Everything is completely under control.

25:00 Pryme Minister
I’m looking forward to it but I’m patient.
Patient like Job.

Full article:

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