
Sunday, October 17, 2021

Update on Earth Alliance meetings on Ganymede with Intergalactic Confederation


Update on Earth Alliance meetings on
Ganymede with Intergalactic Confederation

Val Nek:
"I will reiterate again that this message may be more important to the Terran people than any other message."

On October 15, I received an update on the recent meetings on Ganymede between representatives of the Earth Alliance with several extraterrestrial organizations and a new group entering our solar system—the Intergalactic Confederation. The update from Val Nek, relayed through Megan Rose, makes for a total of four independent sources reporting on Ganymede being the site of meetings with a highly evolved new group of extraterrestrial visitors to our solar system.

In my October 13 article, “Earth Alliance mission to Ganymede to greet ET visitors and inaugurate a Star Trek future,” I presented the intel from three independent sources. These were JP, who currently serves with the US Army and participates in off-world covert missions controlled by US Space Command. Thor Han, whose intel was relayed through Elena Danaan, and Alex Collier, whose source is Mornay from the Andromeda Council.

Val Nek’s update provides more intel with which we can better evaluate the scope and significance of the secret Ganymede meetings. His update begins:
The Earth Alliance has completed its first mission to Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons…. This station was used as a meeting place for the Earth Alliance, the Andromedan Council, the Council of Five and a group of what humans of Terra would consider extremely advanced extraterrestrials. These beings can manifest themselves as extraterrestrial looking species, but in actuality they are more of a consciousness, a super-consciousness that have looked over this galaxy and many others for eons. As coordinator for this mission, I can report on my role and what I am at liberty to disclose.

These beings travelled to this solar system to witness a birth of a new era, an era that includes the liberation of Earth. As the enemy conveniently reports that there are multiple timelines at play, in an effort to confuse the Terrans who are so desperately looking for liberation from hostile control, the truth is that this solar system continues on one timeline together, simultaneously. It is a timeline that benefits the entire galaxy and marks a successful end of war between the Terrans, the Federation, and the Orion group.
What Val Nek is effectively saying here is that there is not going to be a split or separation of humanity into different groups that proceed to multiple worlds, densities, timelines, etc., in a planet-wide ‘harvest’. In the RA material, it was said that humanity would polarize into different ascension paths. Those that made the cut for a positive polarity ascension (>50% service-to-other level of consciousness) would ascend into a 4th density positive Earth. Those that attain a negative polarity (>95% service-to-self consciousness) would ascend to a different negative polarity 4th density world. Finally, those who did not graduate (less than 50% service to other and less than 95% service to self) would be taken to another 3rd density Earth to repeat another 26,000 year cycle.

Ever since the RA material (aka Law of One) emerged in 1981-1984, there have been a steady stream of psychics, researchers, and contactees/abductees that have spoken of coming cataclysmic events marking a coming separation of humanity in a planetary ‘harvest’. What instead appears to have recently happened is that a temporal war over a future galactic tyranny has been won by the Galactic Federation, its partner ET organizations, and the Earth Alliance. Apparently, this means that a planetary harvest does not occur, and most of humanity collectively moves forward in a positive timeline—a Star Trek future.

Val Nek continues:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with links:

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