
Monday, November 22, 2021

French Contactee confirms Intergalactic Confederation is seeding human worlds


French Contactee confirms
Intergalactic Confederation is
seeding human worlds

Robert L is an extraterrestrial contactee from France who says that in 1969 he spent nearly a year in a secret base in the Himalayas where he participated in a genetic experiment to seed human life on a planet in another galaxy. After completing his year-long stay at the base, Robert was returned to France and was told to remain silent, which he did for nearly 40 years until 2005, when he first went public.

He contacted a well-known French UFO researcher, George Metz, who was so impressed that he included Robert’s case in a 2011 book Ovnis en France: Les enquĂȘtes de Georges Metz (UFOs in France: The Investigations of Georges Metz). The book was published but not translated into English, making most in the English-speaking world unaware of Robert’s remarkable story and its significance.

What makes Robert’s story especially relevant today is that in his book he described the extraterrestrials as belonging to an “intergalactic confederation” managing life on planets such as Earth, and this confederation working under the supervision of a mysterious group of nine very highly advanced extraterrestrials.

This is the relevant passage in Metz’s book, in both the French original and translated version:
Nous sommes charges d’entretenir la vie sur !es planetes habitees comme la terre. Nous faisons partie d’une sorte deconfederation intergalactique supervisee par neuf Superieurs Inconnus qui dirigent !es galaxies.

We are responsible for keeping life safe on inhabited planets like the earth. We are part of a kind of intergalactic confederation overseen by nine unknown superiors who manage the galaxies. (p. 180).
This appears to be the same two extraterrestrial groups that Elena Danaan says she recently met on Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, the ‘Intergalactic Confederation’ and the ‘Council of Nine’ who have arrived to watch humanity achieve its liberation from extraterrestrial oppressors—a process I’ve described in previous articles.

On November 16, I interviewed Robert in a Zoom video chat session organized by Elena, where I asked him questions about his contact experiences. Elena translated for Robert, who doesn’t speak English. Elena had previously translated passages of his book that helped me frame my questions and better understand his story.

In our interview, Robert explained that his family first began having UFO-related experiences in June 1966 when he was 20 years old. These began with his father and grandmother seeing a half dozen one-meter sized white/yellow balls of light going through his home before they joined up with a larger cylinder-shaped structure that was stationary at the bottom of the valley where he lived.

The phenomenon repeated in January 1967, which was when Robert saw the balls of light for the first time himself, after being alerted by his father, who first saw them. Once again, the six balls of light joined a larger cylinder-shaped object nearby. The phenomenon repeated itself over several nights, and Robert eventually followed the six lights back to the larger cylinder structure, which he estimated to be 13 meters tall and 2 meters wide floating above the ground.

Balls of light and Cylinder Base. Illustration by G. Metz, 2008 Georges Metz

In his car, Robert pursued the larger cylinder-shaped object, which moved away from him while maintaining a constant distance and increasing in brightness. Eventually, a minibus-sized flying saucer craft appeared with two domes on top containing the silhouettes of two human-like beings. The flying saucer moved to only 20 meters from Robert, and his car stopped running. He panicked, fell asleep, and had a missing time experience. When he returned home, his father said that two of the balls of light surrounded the farm and prevented him from leaving to find and help Robert.

Robert described the next two months as a period when he began needing to sleep for up to 20 hours a day with many strange dreams and experiences. These initial contact events culminated in him meeting three tall thin human-looking extraterrestrials who appeared in his bedroom. They entered through a vortex that appeared in walls and began having conversations with him.

Robert at first believed the extraterrestrials were angels, but they told him they were simply humans, like him, but only more evolved with life spans of up to 500 years. They told him they were scientists that came from another galaxy. Robert mainly interacted with three extraterrestrials he respectively called “the Guide” (a male); “the Biologist” (a beautiful female approximately two meters tall); and “the Ethnologist.”

In September 1968, the extraterrestrials asked if Robert was willing to be part of a genetic experiment where he would help seed human life on a planet in another galaxy. Robert was told he would spend a year at a remote base in the Himalayas where he would contribute his biological material, which was very suitable for the galactic seeding project. Robert agreed to participate, and in early January 1969, he was taken by spacecraft to the base.

Robert L meets flying saucer transporting him to Himalayas. Illustration by G. Metz, 2008 Georges Metz

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

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