
Friday, November 12, 2021

Stargate Newsletter: President Trump on Veterans Day

By Sierra:
I am Sierra. I am an ambassador for the Galactic Federation of Light. There are many Galactic Federation representatives on Earth right now. We came to help humanity ascend to the Fifth Dimension. Beloved Gaia is already well on her way in her Ascension. I will share with you my personal Ascension journey and my thoughts on global events. Welcome. Where We Go One We Go All!

Stargate Newsletter:
President Trump on Veterans Day

President Trump with a powerful message on Veterans Day. 'Our country will be back stronger than ever...'

President Trump sent an 'envoy ambassador' to Europe, upsetting the DS liberals. Of course he did - he's the real President, you numbskulls!

Q always said to keep an eye on Julian Assange. This long post from Relentless Truth is a reminder of the huge importance of Assange to the Alliance plan. A recommended read.

Brazilian President Bolsonaro confronted the WHO chief about people dying after the second jab dose. He also forced the WHO to admit they don't endorse jabbing children. This is a revealing little conversation between Bolsonaro and the [D]eep [S]tate players.

The news is seeping out about super-fit young athletes dropping dead on sports fields.

Virus rates sky-rocket in heavily-jabbed vax-passported European countries. Meanwhile, rates remain low in Sweden which did not impose any mandates or lockdowns. Scroll down for the graph in this story.

Wow, full Gestapo here from Aussie. Queensland President of the Aust Medical Association Dr Chris Perry on how life will be for the un-jabbed...

'They're crazy not to get vaccinated, life will be miserable for the unvaccinated...They will have a very very lonely life and won't be able to maintain a job...' (Dr Perry)

Meanwhile our Gestapo NZ Prime Minister followed the script with a disgusting DS television reporter about the huge weekend protest. No wonder our population is brain-washed with such BS.

A meme that demands an explanation.
A reminder of why we Light Warriors fight on, day after day after day after day after day...
Finally, an update on Fiona, our gutsy 8 year old Light Warrior. Her campaign worked. The school board dropped the mask mandate. Congratulations, Fiona. You are AWESOME.

Light Warriors, reach out to each other. As the lovely New Zealand psychotherapist said in the previous post, we need to support each other during this challenging time.

My hairdresser of eight years will be abiding by the jab mandates which means I cannot visit her anymore. Today I was blessed to find a new hairdresser who's not only an excellent stylist but she is also a fiercely passionate Light Warrior. We are letting go of the old 3D connections and welcoming in 5D Earth. One day at a time.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light

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