
Sunday, November 07, 2021

V for Vendetta The Past Proves the Future

V for Vendetta The Past Proves the Future

This film is not unlike what is happening right now!.

The movie: V for Vendetta (2006) directed by James McTeigue

The future: In V for Vendetta, a lot has gone wrong very quickly, and it doesn’t seem like there’s much to be done about it. The film is set in the late 2020s, and London is now under the authoritarian rule of the fascist High Chancellor Sutler (John Hurt), the leader of the extremely Nazi-looking Norsefire party.

The parallels to real-world 2020 are alarming: the “St. Mary’s virus” has unleashed a pandemic on the world, crippling the United States (which doesn’t really factor into the film’s London-centric plot) and sending it on a path to economic ruination and civil war. The Norsefire party, which rode in on a wave of neoconservative support, locks up gay citizens, anyone who practices a religion other than the state-sanctioned church, and is supported by state-run media. Surveillance is almost casual, with government vans regularly sweeping the streets to listen in on citizens.

This is the world in which we meet Evey Hammond (Natalie Portman), an unassuming employee of the British Television Network. One night, she is threatened with sexual assault by secret police and is subsequently saved by V (Hugo Weaving), a superhuman terrorist in a Guy Fawkes mask. Like Guy Fawkes, V has a plan to blow up Parliament and assassinate several members of the government responsible for the Norsefire takeover and, it’s revealed, his own creation. The film ends before we find out if he’s successful, but not before the citizens of London are inspired to also don his mask and take to the streets. Read more here:

As Q has said many times "The Future Proves The Past and The Past Proves The Future".

We are now in the end times of tyranny and into a new Beginning,
a new Future. How beautiful is it not.

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!

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