
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance


Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to
surrender to Extraterrestrials and
Earth Alliance

News has recently emerged of global elites (aka cabal) going to Antarctica for a secret meeting. We know from public tweets that Claus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Cristina Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank attended a secret Antarctica meeting. Two others present were Brad Garlinghouse and David Schwartz, respectively the President and Chief Technical Officer of Ripple Labs, a computer software company specializing in online payment systems.

The four tweets by the above elites, which began with Lagarde tweeting back in July 2021 that she was going to attend a meeting in Antarctica, has generated much speculation. To learn more about the Antarctica meetings, I contacted Elena Danaan to find out if her off-planet sources could supply answers to what was really happening in Antarctica.

Elena received answers from Thor Han Eredyon, a Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and Oona from the Intergalactic Confederation (aka the Guardians). The answers were stunning. It appears that a major turning point has been reached and global elites are being summoned to Antarctica to meet a delegation of extraterrestrial races and Earth Alliance leaders to negotiate the terms of their surrender.

Antarctica was chosen for the meeting because it contains a portal that can transport global elites to a distant world in another galaxy where they will be well provisioned, but forever banished.

Prior to leaving for the new world, however, they have to first help the transition of the global financial system, and to undo much of the black magic that has been cast to keep humanity and the Earth itself in bondage.

Here is the first message Elena (E) received from Thor Han (TH) on December 14 about what transpired at the Antarctica meeting:
TH: By the decision of the High Council of the GFW, following the recent agreements set on Jupiter between the Earth Space Alliance and the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Council of Five and the Zenatean Alliance.

The Terran elites under enemy leadership complied to meet on the southern continent, with our representatives, in order to hand over to the Earth Alliance their powers upon the global financial system. This ancient system is to be replaced by the new system that is to be put in place by the Earth Alliance. They are being offered, in exchange, a life off-world with all commodities.

E: Why are they not just judged for their misdeeds and sentenced accordingly?

TH: They only can unwind the dark web they created, for they cast into the foundations of your societies the anchors of great immorality. It was decided with the Terran high hierarchy of the Earth Alliance, that no greater chaos would unfold from these transfers of power, as an economic collapse would add even more suffering to these challenging times for the Terran people, already greatly wounded. The GFW and the Earth Alliance are making sure that this transition will cause the least damage as possible.

E: Does this concern only changes in the financial system?

TH: Industrial domains are interdependent with the financial system. Be prepared to witness surprising changes in the matter of new energy systems and the rolling out of technologies in many sectors.

E: Why were you on Jupiter these last days? And just back on the very same day when these meetings in Antarctica are leaked?

TH: I told you there were meetings on Jupiter. The dark elites weren’t there, they would not be tolerated in the Shari facility (Ashtar GC). The dark ones met on Antarctica’s land with our envoys. The latest meetings on Jupiter were about those I just mentioned, with the leadership of the Earth Alliance only. These meetings were completed today, Terran time. This is the statement I can give to you, with my superiors’ blessings. Did Oona contact you?

E: Yes, she did.

TH: Then she knows more details than I do, at least for now. I shall speak to you again in the coming hours. You can of course tell Dr. Michael, and give him my fond salutations.

E: I surely will, thank you, Thor Han.
Thor Han’s message gives us a clear idea of what really transpired in Antarctica. The global elites summoned there met with a delegation of leaders from different extraterrestrial organizations and the Earth Alliance that participated in the Jupiter Accords signed in July 2021. The elites were required to come up with a plan for a smooth economic transition to a more equitable monetary system and prevent a global financial collapse.

This is supported by the tweets by the two senior officials from Ripple Labs, Schwartz and Garlinghouse. Their presence and expertise signaled that what was being negotiated in Antarctica involved a new online payment system.

Could this be linked to a Quantum Financial System (QFS) that has been a topic of much speculation? According to one source, Nigel Matte, the coming QFS would be linked to a quantum internet that will be created through the Starlink Satellite system being created by Elon Musk’s SpaceX. Schwartz and Garlinghouse would have the necessary expertise to help plans for a smooth transition from the current global financial system to a QFS linked to quantum cloud computing.

Thor Han pointed out that the implications for multiple industries will be enormous starting with the energy sector. Indeed, abandoning fossil fuels is the key to unleashing a multitude of alternative energy technologies that have been suppressed since the early 1900s. Similarly, many other suppressed technologies such as electromagnetic and holographic healing modalities will be also released, thereby replacing the soon to be discredited pharmaceutical industry, as a result of national populations rebelling against mandatory vaccine policies and big pharma support for these.

It’s worth keeping in mind that there are currently over 5900 patents that are suppressed in the US alone due to national security orders imposed by the intelligence community. The bulk of these suppressed patents involve alternative energy and healing technologies. When in January 2017, President Donald Trump issued a Top Secret Memorandum for the release of 1000 of these patents over the next two years, he was ignored by the intelligence community, and his administration subsequently targeted.

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

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