
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

FESIG's Meeting with Jared Rand on Celestial Chamber Updates, Replicators, and Med Beds!

Image from video

By: Free Energy Special Interest Group (FESIG)

FESIG's Meeting with Jared Rand on
Celestial Chamber Updates, Replicators and Med Beds!
"New Body, New Life!!" 29 Nov 21

For the first time, Jared revealed the Celestial Chamber and The Replicator technical specs functions through FESIG (Proprietary Information – NOT for Distribution.) He explained how the AI Holographic 6D Scanning Array works. The Broad Range Replicator (BRR) is powered by the Power Cell Infinite Power Source. Never before had this been released anywhere else! Thank you Jared!

Jared Rand is building highly advanced off-world technologies, such as the plasma-tachyon Celestial Chambers, portal technology, resurrection beds, replicators, and rejuvenation pills. A quantum entanglement design, the Celestial Chamber is powered by plasma and tachyon particle field. Controlled AI and database of the human body - frequency field energy range of the body. Completely analyse the human form, identify all the anomalies. Although some damage, but DNA blueprint is still there in the energy field to replicate…Process takes 3 mins. Organs, limbs are regenerated. Implants are atomised or eliminated. Reverse the ageing process, mostly controlled to the age of 35. Body has memory, DNA carries memory, and it doesn't matter if you have missing form or limbs, you're missing organs, that asset, that energy field is still there, it is in the DNA.

So what happens it's the halo flows over the body and it literally identifies all the anomalies, let's just take a full reatomization for instance, there is no pain or cutting or anything, the body is completely unviolated, what will happen is that plasma energy field and frequencies which the body is made of, passing over the body, it regenerates from the memory through the DNA from the mithochondria cells structure of that body and it's almost like a time field that goes into reverse eliminating any of the abnormalities of that particular human form, so the limbs are regenerated, the organs are regenerated at the same time with DNA erasing memory (of the anomaly). At the same time, any implants, defibrillators, hip implants, leg, knees, metal implants, if existing are eliminated. It's a radiant field around these anomalies that reverses the process of elimination and reinstates the real form that was there from the beginning. It will also reverse the aging process, we can do it down to a very young age but it's mostly controlled to the age of 35 and will reverse the aging process of the body.

Once it's complete, any disease that invaded that form is eliminated as if it never existed. When it's complete, it scans to make sure everything is phenomenal and functioning well. The patient wakes up, the memory of what occurred is gone, and the patient appears to have no clue about what happened until it is shown in the mirror.

Jared Rand’s site:

YouTube link:

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