
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Part 2 – Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance


Part 2 – Cabal leaders go to
Antarctica to surrender to
Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance

In his initial December 14 communication with Elena Danaan, Thor Han Eredyon mentioned that Oona, a member of the Intergalactic Confederation (aka the ‘Guardians’ or ‘Seeders’) had more details of the Antarctica meetings, their implications, and the black magic used by the global elite. Elena had previously met with Oona who facilitated her travel to meet with the Guardians and later to meet with the Council of Nine in a region of space between Jupiter and its main moon, Ganymede. The Guardians are the seeders of human looking races in many galaxies and had arrived to watch humanity’s graduation into the galactic community.

Elena said that she felt Oona’s desire to relay a message and had to lie down and channel a communication. What follows is the message Oona relayed to Elena:
They’ve come to bargain their freedom. They hold keys and to give these keys, they need to consent to give these keys. Because it is not only about material possessions. But it is also about rituals they have performed to lock this planet and the human race of Terra into very dark rituals. These need to be uncast and they have, only them, the key to uncast these dark circles traced around every each society, human beings.

We are meeting them to allow them to uncast these dark rituals to set free the minds and the protection they set on the monetary institutions they created. A dark ancient institution. Those of the name, the number 33. Those of the lower numbers, the reverse triangles, and all those who worshipped the soul harvester. Those who worked to separate the soul from the human beings and bodies are about to leave this planet. Negotiated deals, you must not believe that we agree to their acts. We [are] displeased [at] all that they’ve done.

Antarctica is the meeting place because the portal can take them when the moment is here. They will give us the keys [to] unlock their rituals and cast the dark circles, the nine levels of darkness will be collapsed as one and dispersed into dust. It is over. The dust will be scattered to the four winds of human consciousness liberated.

We summoned them when the greater agreements were made between your planet and the Galactic Federation of Nataru [Milky Way]. From this moment we flew to your star system and now these encounters with the dark ones of the human race of Terra we will set free all the dark bindings of magic. They are done. They will benefit of a prison planet that will give them all they want but they will never leave. A world far in another galaxy which you do not know the name yet. They will be forgotten and content. The best way to end a conflict.

I from the Do, the Guardians, Founder ones, leave this message. It is over for the rulership of the dark. We have been waiting and working at the same time with the Galactic Federation of Nataru and Zenatae Alliance to free this planet. We in our outposts in the higher mountains of your world have prepared a purging the dark. This process started 200 of your years ago and now it is touching the last stage. Darkness is unleashed. It is because the humans of Terra need to see it and fight it. The rulership of the dark on this planet is over. Those who worked for millenniums at separating soul from the human of Terrans bodies will go. No more soul harvesting.
There is much to unpack in this first part of Oona’s message. She describes the elites arriving in Antarctica to bargain their freedom. This is because they still hold the means to destroy or wreak havoc over much of the Earth. They are using this power to bargain their getaway from the planet through the Antarctica portal which is now in the hands of the Earth Alliance. In order to gain their freedom, passage through the Antarctica portal to a new world in another galaxy, they have to hand over all the keys and codes of the black magic used to subjugate humanity and the Earth.
Oona. Illustration by Elena Danaan

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

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