
Tuesday, December 07, 2021

RV Highlights from Alex Collier Webcast

RV Webcast Highlights from Andromedan
Contactee Alex Collier and Much More!

So, few days ago, Elon Musk said the new quantum internet would be up by the end of the month by the end of December. Also regulation would be in place as well by that time. Now the quantum internet going up that means that they can now put in action the quantum financial system. So they said by mid December we would know where we were going.

The Three Gorges Dam and Big Pharma labs will start the black swan event. The Black Swan event begins to trigger everything. Not only the RV the revaluation of global currencies, but a transfer of wealth 6000 cures will be shared. Some of that would be the med beds, obviously we have an update on that, and the expression and expansion of freedom throughout the planet.

These events will change the world forever and we're talking about between now and the end of December.

But anyway, it's been brought to my attention. what's currently going on now is not a war against Russia. It is not a war against China. Specifically, what we're seeing are white hats around the world at war with the Rothschild family, that's what we're dealing with. That's where it is all now. All right, and the Rothschilds minions and they're paying them with the funny money, which is why they're freaking the hell out because the new system is coming in like gangbusters and that's the next piece of Intel.

Okay. The Government of Iraq was supposed to release their international rate last Monday. The IMF told them not to. Well, yesterday the Government of Iraq in the nation, their international rates and the International rate for the new dinar is $11.90. For us. That's what I said.

Now, I don't know what it's going to be in each one of your countries. But we were expecting to see it on the Forex this morning. It will probably show up Sunday morning. But this is going live. Now it's also interesting it's being called the Golden dinar part because it's being backed by gold.

The Kuwait government is sharing the gold dinar. So they're going to share this, which is a remarkable thing. Because one it'll give a great deal of stability to the Middle East to Iraq paid Kuwait back for Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and they did not pay them with the worthless dinar they paid them with the new gold back currency. So everybody's best friends again.

Okay, everything's been just forgiven, and everybody's ready to move on. We understand that Iran is supposed to be very close behind this.

Now as you all know if you've been following the currencies and the basket of currencies for the Global Currency Reset, not the Rothschild nonsense. Iraq was always going to be the first country to go and then all the others would go and they all have their own timeline.

So it could very well be that when you go to exchange your dinar, when the time is is when they start taking appointments. Or it goes live in your individual countries that you might have to make several trips. If you have multiple currencies do not know about the Zim do not know about the Dong. Do not know about the rest of the currencies in the in the bunch just yet. But this is happening.

This is very much happening. And everyone should be very, very excited because this will end poverty and this will greatly shift how the world operates from this point on.

In Country the rate in Iraq is $4.81, outside it's $11.90. It could be higher in some other countries. It all depends now when you go to exchange your dinar and you ask for cash here in the U.S. It's my understanding that they're going to be giving you the new currency. The United States Note and not a Federal Reserve Note. So a lot of change, a lot, a lot of change. All good stuff.

Okay. The United States military is withdrawing our remaining troops out of Iraq, that 3600 or so troops. They began pulling them out last night so that Iraq at some point, either today or over the weekend can announce that they are a totally sovereign nation. They said that they did that.

Okay, so that's it. I wanted to give you that, if possible, that's positive. Before you go to bed at night, listen to good music before you go to bed at night. Listen to some comedy, anything to make you laugh, to put you in a good state of mind. Do not go to bed all stressed out and worried because there's so much to look forward to.

We're going to leave all this crap behind. The reason we're seeing it now is because we need to know that it was real and it's been around us all this time. And now that we're coming out of our box, we're going to be seeing all this and there's still some ugly to say there is but the future's bright.

We're not going into slavery. We're not being invaded. Alright, we're becoming free. So the only boogeyman we have are those which we are carrying in ourselves.

It's time to let it go. I love you. Thank you for supporting our little webinar.

Alex Collier is a legend in the world of Exopolitics - If you know of David Wilcock, Emery Smith, Corey Goode, Michal Salla, James Gilliland, Elena Danaan, Megan Rose etc... then Alex is the Grandfather of enlightened world and intel.

  • This 14 minute clip sounds like it was released on Friday - You will NOT be sorry you listened - RV/GCR and our new world sovereignty are here now!



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