
Monday, January 17, 2022

Joint US China Mission to Giant ET Space Ark under Atlantic Ocean


Joint US China Mission to Giant ET
Space Ark under Atlantic Ocean

On January 10, 2022, my US Army insider, JP, revealed that he participated in a classified mission to an extraterrestrial space ark located under the Atlantic Ocean off the Florida coast in the vicinity of Bermuda. This was the second space ark that he has encountered in covert military missions – the first involved a space ark found on the Moon, as reported in an earlier article.

JP described how the mission began with an official briefing he received at the military base where he is currently serving. Then he was taken by Osprey helicopters to a large donut-shaped platform in the Atlantic, which was placed directly over a submerged space ark. JP estimated to be at least a mile long ovoid-shaped.

What follows are extracts from our skype call where he described different aspects of the mission. Here is the first extract where he describes being taken to some kind of large platform suspended over the space ark:
I think he was one of the pilots that flew us to the ships, these massive boat ships I was telling you about that has a big surface. They’re huge. We got there and then they line up everybody in formation. You can see the painting on the floor. This ship is the same ship that I visited a couple years ago but now it had paintings on the floor saying OK Chinese and then it says Russian but it says in their language. Like where the formation is so everybody formation. So I was in a where you know United States park square. Well everybody forms up. There’s at least 20 or 30 people United States and there are at least 15 Chinese….
JP recognized the ocean platform as the same one he was taken to by a triangle shaped antigravity spacecraft around 2014, which is when he first told me about the platform. Rather than being allowed to descend from the platform to whatever lay beneath, he was denied entry by a senior military officer (a General) and told to leave. At the time, JP was a civilian.

JP next described an elevator that carried mission members from the surface down into the interior of the craft. Personnel were mainly drawn from the US and China. Apparently, China had been allowed access to the space ark found under the Atlantic as a reciprocal favor after it had allowed US access to the space ark found by its Yutu 2 Rover described in an earlier article.

What follows is what JP had to say about the US China deal, and his 2014 trip where he was denied entry into the platform:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with links, video and images:

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