
Saturday, February 12, 2022

Stargate Newsletter

Rockwell's Brilliant Summary

February 11, 2022

Rockwell's latest newsletter is brilliant. He summarizes a huge amount of intel and draws a solid conclusion. It makes for a riveting read. Here is a long excerpt - well worth the time to read.

The lion's share of this comes from some dude calling himself ChipLitFam17. No, it's not the next covid strain. This dude absolutely NAILED it, and he went back to what happened right after the theft up until now, and why events unfolded the way they did. Phil Godlewski had 1.9 MILLION people listen to him read this guy's article, and he added his insight with conformation of what is true based on his inside source.

Let's go back the the 2020 era where the Supreme Traitors tossed out the TX lawsuit because they didn't have "standing". Phil makes the case that the Supreme Traitors couldn't rule on the case because it wasn't an issue of Constitutionality, it was an issue of law enforcement handling a criminal act. That is PARTIALLY true, but TX was right that their voters were disenfranchised by the criminal actions that took place in other states.

More importantly, Phil says TRUMP killed this behind the scenes. WHAT?!?! Makes no sense right? The Supreme Traitors could rule on clear fraud and given the election to Trump. That absolutely could have happened and is what we all wanted, but the problem is the vision is SO SO SO much bigger than this. Think about it with our retrospective goggles. IF they had done that back then, the country would have been insanely divided, and the already irrationally insane Trump hating libs would have gone even MORE insane, if that is possible and blocked everything he tried going forward not to mention the state and local elections that were also stolen. It would have been a pyrrhic victory looking back on it.

But Phil pointed out two really interesting things. First of all, as I have said repeatedly, to date, NO body of authority has even HEARD the proof of election theft. NONE. That means the proof has NEVER been rejected or ruled upon. Additionally, Clarence Thomas said the court could rule on this at some time in THE FUTURE. What?!?! VERY interesting. But why would Trump kill this lawsuit? First of all, it established the Supreme Traitors as being "independent". Trump's election was stolen, and even his own judicial appointees ruled against him which gives liberals the sense they are truly impartial as they killed this basically handing the presidency to the demented sharting pedophile.

This is 12D chess in play, because Trump KNEW the Supreme Traitors would be used LATER. Now don't forget everything Trump did surrounding this and leading up to it. All the EO's concerning foreign interference into an election ,the adjusted military hierarchy, the removal of Milley and WAY more. Oh, did I mention devolution? These are HUGE events, events NEVER seen before in US history. Like I keep saying, do you REALLY think Trump re-wrote the law, changed the entire military make up, issued EO's two YEARS before the election, and put us in a state of emergency then did NOTHING with it? C'MON MAN! Plus, think about Trump the person. A fighter and a winner. The winning has happened, it just has to get to the public first.

That brings us to today. Trump is STILL the president, but basically "in exile" due to a HOSTILE foreign agent put in place through election theft. There is something called a Presidential Emergency Action Directive which basically is a declaration of what happened. How this works is Trump pulls out the PEAD, shows it to the media and country declaring HE is the president, has ALWAYS been the president but is in exile due the office of president being illegally hijacked. He informs the world that we have been operating under the Continuity of Government provisions he diligently put into place due to attacks on the country during the election. Attacks from who? Enemy nations who conspired with BOTH political parties to install THEIR candidate OVER the truly elected candidate as determined by the will of the people. He will state this is an act of war as serious as a nuclear strike on a US city. Trump will state after he witnessed the election interference, he declared a state of emergency (devolution) and went into exile along with the right and true legal gov't.

After everyone's jaws hit the floor, we get part two. The MILITARY. The military will then declare their concern over two people claiming to be president in the era of modern nuclear warfare because ONE of the two is the Commander in Chief and in control of the nuclear arsenal even though we all know it has been Trump all along.

Now pause right there. No one has covered this, but look at CURRENT world events. The nuclear scare event. This DIRECTLY ties into this. It is GENIUS, but let me build the case first. Pedo Joe told US citizens in the Ukraine to evacuate as they are facing "world war". Pedo Joe secretly and urgently met with his Nat'l Security Advisor last night to discuss Russia and the Ukraine. People are reporting they expect ALL European countries to issue an advisory about the Ukraine. Pedo Joe's deputy SoS said if Russia invades they will send their soldiers back to Moscow in body bags. Israel, Japan, South Korea and the Netherlands told their citizens to evacuate. It is not hard at all to see a scare event coming soon.

That brings us back to the topic. What happens if there is a crisis in the Ukraine, and Trump drops the bombshell that HE is the legal president? WHO is in control of the military? Who do they take orders from at the time of an int'l nuclear crisis? The military will DEMAND this get resolved IMMEDIATELY before they are told to nuke Moscow by the demented sharting pedophile. They will insist on the legal aspect to be resolved IMMEDIATELY so they know who to take orders from. Isn't it interesting this is all happening RIGHT now? I keep saying it is coalescing because IT IS! This goes back to the TX lawsuit from 2020. The Supreme Traitors NEVER saw the evidence of election theft. With the new nat'l crisis, they will be FORCED to rule on this. There is no way they can side step the issue. They will be forced to make an immediate mandatory ruling on the 2020 election and decide who is the real president. How do they resolve this, quickly and easily? Simple, and it fits with what I have been saying for six MONTHS now. NEW ELECTIONS! This is GENIUS! Do you understand how genius this is? The Traitors can simply say, there is enough evidence that the election was tampered with, and the simplest and quickest way to resolve this is to basically redo the ENTIRE 2020 election! No prolonged legal debate about what evidence can or can't be entered as evidence, no prolonged testimonies, just throw the outcome back into the hands of the American people and let US decide. It takes the issue out of the courts, and truly puts it in the hands of the PEOPLE so it means no "court issued" coup by Trump. Just a new FAIR election with the winner takes all. Do you understand how GENIUS this is? Oh it gets WAY better.

How does it get better? Think back to what I have been saying for six months. WHY has Trump been endorsing people? What is the point of all his on the surface WORTHLESS rallies? Seriously, if he isn't coming back until a 2024 run, what is the purpose of the rallies? To remind us of the good ole days? Rub salt in the wound? Trump has said point blank at the last three rallies the country has "gone to shit", been "decimated", etc. He is making SURE we understand there has been a TON of damage, and things right NOW are AWFUL. He wants us to feel the pain as much as possible. If he wasn't coming back, this would be cruel and unusual punishment. Instead it is preparing people for coming NEW ELECTIONS. Carry that anger and pain to the voting booth. Vote out every single last democrat. Oh, did I forget to mention 29 democrats have ALREADY said they aren't running for office?

You know where else I get proof of this? CodeMonkey. For the new people, CodeMonkey is THE anon of anons. He ran the 8chan board where Q posted and was admin for the ENTIRE duration Q posted, then almost to the day we got the last Q post, CM resigned as site admin. How did he know it was Q's last post? Why did he resign? He spent the past year focusing on the AZ audit, then when nothing happened, HE announced he is running for frigging Senate! CODEMONKEY! Arizona Senator. His Telegram page used to have deep insight into events that most don't provide, and now it's, "AZ needs someone strong on crime and tough on the border, support CM for office". I will go to the grave saying he KNOWS what the plan is from his days dealing with Q, and he KNOWS new elections are coming.

Oh, it STILL gets better, and this is where the NEXT LEVEL (had to do it Missy) GENIUS comes into play. Are you ready to flip out? We are looking at an absolute BLOOD BATH at the election. The country is in the crapper, angry and DONE with Pedo Joe which I will cover more below. Do you think it's a coincidence B*** McConnell this WEEK sided with Liz Cheney and Kizinger, and called the Jan 6th protesters insurrectionists? I don't. What about crack pipes for blacks during black history month? Are you SEEING how this is ALL COMING TOGETHER? I think he is being told to say things MAGA nation will HATE so even established long time incumbents get voted out. Not only are we looking at dems getting slaughtered, we are looking at them being replaced by REAL conservative MAGA nation republicans.

But HERE is where it gets interesting. REALLY interesting. What will happen is Trump will win the most lopsided election in the history of the world if you exclude the North Korean elections where every single person in the country voted for Kim Jung Un at least five times because they love him that much. Trump will have a SUPER MAJORITY in Congress. Re-read that. SUPER MAJORITY. Do you understand the implications of that? They can do things like CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. Dave of X22 is the one who made this point. They can change the Constitution and law of the land FOREVER so this NEVER happens again. The democrat party will be dead forever.

Believe it or not, we have PROOF this is in the works! Just yesterday, Nebraska became the 17th (Q) state to sign onto the call for a Convention of States. WHAT?!?!? This is the FOURTH state to sign on in the span of the past month! WHY?!?! Why are they calling for this which is LITERALLY used to amend the Constitution. WHY are they all of a sudden doing this? NO ONE has said! What issue is driving this, and why are states all of a sudden signing on board? Under normal circumstances, this call for a Convention would happen in response to some event that was so alarming it would force the country to do this to rectify whatever took place. Instead, these states are quietly just signing up for it. Nothing to see here, move along.

Now go back to 2020. If the plan ALL ALONG was to get Trump in office with a super majority, IT HAD TO BE DONE THIS WAY! And that is almost a word for word quote of Q from one of the last Q posts! We HAD to have a year of utter misery to get what they needed in CONGRESS. It was MUCH more than Trump. This is to fix this LONG term. Trump being given the office in 2020 would NOT have done this. Do you understand my excitement now? Phil ended his broadcast with a VERY sincere heart felt statement saying we will get more vindication than we could have ever hoped for, and 2022 will be one of the greatest years in all of human history. He said they (the white hats) could end this at ANY moment with Trump bringing the PEAD out any time he wanted. In fact, we all know his source said it would happen in January, and now we know IT WAS going to. Do you remember Trump announced he was going to have a "major press conference" on January 6th at Mar-a-Lago, and then at the last moment it was cancelled? THAT was going to be THE moment. but something happened. Phil said he absolutely believes the Q prophecies and Kim Clement prophecies are about to come true.

Minor issues: As great as that ALL is, there are a few minor issues as always, the main one being WHEN WHEN WHEN, right? I have read VERY specific dates coming from the anons. Not going to tell you, but they expect big things between now and the end of next weekend. History tells us the week will pass and nothing will happen. BUT, we have received a TON of comms that something big is coming soon. Lin Wood has been letting us know. iL Donaldo has all week long, and he posted this video, entitled "There's a Revolution Coming!" this morning. NOT subtle. Phil posted this picture this morning a day after he went over this showing a roller coast at the zenith about to go over the top of the biggest drop. Plus, look at how ALL the world events are coalescing to THIS moment. This is NOT a coincidence and cannot be easily repeated.

The other issue is the EBS. A bunch of anons say it is a sure thing. Phil has been 50-50 on it, and Simon Parkes even less so. I think it would be used AFTER Trump issues the PEAD to make his case to America, OR it could be issued after the case goes to the Supreme Traitors but before the new elections as a reminder of the criminality of the left. SUPER exciting times. Some things that Phil added was Trump requested a special election in 2020 in just the swing states where fraud was the heaviest, so this idea has ALREADY been implanted. Phil said the military was ready to take out the Fuhrer (Obama) back in 2009. The military wants this as much as we do, and Phil said Trump is VERY angry. He wants this MORE than all of us combined. He said he think Trump has the PEAD on him at all times, sleeps with it under his pillow, etc. He also said we can expect ZuckerTraitor to be gone soon, and look at the timing. FakeBook loses $260 BILLION right before this is to take place which is a GREAT reason to remove him. Coincidence? You still believe in those? It is ALL coming together you all. I truly believe this might be the greatest moment in human history if you exclude the Resurrection, and YIU get to have a front row inside seat.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light

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