
Friday, March 25, 2022

Ancient Archaeology Meets Future Science

Image from video

Ancient Archaeology
Meets Future Science
Part 1 with Peter Moon

Remarkable Archaeological Discoveries in the History of Humankind

In 2003, a remarkable and unprecedented archaeological discovery was made in the Bucegi Mountains of Romania near the border of Transylvania. Radu Cinamar chose Peter Moon to write his Transylvania series of books that tells of a secret chamber beneath the Romanian sphinx containing holographic records of Earth’s history; ET bio-resonance holographic imaging technology of human DNA; and, on-world and off-world ETs. Also explored were three mysterious tunnels that led to the deep secrets of “Inner Earth” civilizations and a City of Gold Thrones.

• Revelatory Discoveries = New Era for Humanity
• Unprecedented collaboration of secret Romanian and American forces
• Conscious time travel to see the actual Jesus - surprising results
• Proof of ET, Human, and multi-species genetic mating compatibility
• Discovery of the Hall of Records (revealing the long true history of    humanity) and a tunnel leading to Tibet, Mt. Kailash, Lhasa Royal Palace,    and Gobi Plateau
• Hear of the meeting with Elinor; an ageless alchemist who knows the    secrets of prolonged life
• Learn about “Inner Earth” citizens and the fabled city of “Shambhala"

YouTube link:

Part 2 Here

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