
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Avatar Movie is Real! Advanced Tech Suits Enable Amazing Abilities

Image from video

Avatar Movie is Real!
Advanced Tech Suits
Enable Amazing Abilities
with Captain Randy Cramer

Merrily Milmoe interviews Captain Randy Cramer

Please Note: This early 2021 interview was recorded by an online radio studio. Merrily had no control of audio recording quality. These videos are reposted interviews and are being shared in preparation for the upcoming new interview with Randy!

Captain Randy Cramer, hybrid Super Soldier for the US Marine Corps, Special Sections, has had over a dozen experiences running multiple-species Avatar/Drone bodies - (think Avatar movie). He describes the super-advanced armored suit tech elite soldiers wear that enables incredible feats. This back-engineered Extraterrestrial technology will be one of the last things to trickle down to the civilian sector to assist in the protection/safety of police and firemen.

* What it’s like running an Avatar of your clone across thousands of miles on    different planets in real-time
* What it’s like jumping into an Avatar of you of another ET species - for    real!
* 22 amazing capacities that the Super Soldier's most advanced armored    suits enable them to do!
* What the Heads-Up Display (HUD) helmets enable you to see and hear    beyond any normal human capacity
* About advanced hand-held weapons with bullets that turn corners Randy    shares what he has been told will be an important event rollout; most    probably within the next three months. He simplifies how to keep yourself    prepared and calm. He also shares that afterward; we can all look forward    to the rollout of positive beneficial tech solutions for our world future    galactic civilization.

YouTube link:

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